six months after the Russian invasion, Kyiv celebrated Independence Day

by time news

Cover image: A drone flies over kyiv’s Independence Square on August 24. DIMITAR DILKOFF / AFP

During the six months of this conflict, The world organized two chats:

At 10 a.m. with Vincent Tourret, from the Foundation for Strategic Research, and Rémy Ourdan, journalist at Mondeon the state of the military forces present after six months of war.

At 2 p.m. with Emmanuel Grynszpan, journalist at Mondeand Bruno Chareyron, engineer in nuclear physics and director of the laboratory of the Independent Research and Information Commission on Radioactivity (Criirad), on the case of the Zaporijia nuclear power plant.

  • L’Ukraine famous, under the bombs, national independence day, Wednesday, six months to the day after the beginning of the invasion of the country by Russia. Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, a mis en garde against “repulsive Russian provocations and brutal bombings”.
  • British Prime Minister Boris Johnson visited Kyiv for Independence Day. He promised a new military aid to kyiv of 54 million pounds (64 million euros).
  • French President, Emmanuel Macron, addressed the Ukrainian nation in a broadcast video on Twitter. “We support Ukraine. We are on your side, and it will continue to be so.”he concluded in Ukrainian.
  • The German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, assured Kyiv of his country’s support ” as long as “ as necessary, in a message on the occasion of the Ukrainian national holiday.
  • The United States announced Wednesday a new military aid of about 3 billion dollars (3 billion euros according to the price of August 24) to Ukraine. This aid, the largest granted to kyiv by Washington for six months, comes from a Pentagon fund which can be used for immediate operations or for the acquisition of armaments.
  • The director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and that of the Russian Federal Atomic Energy Agency (Rosatom) met on Wednesday to discussan inspection of the Zaporizhia nuclear power plantthe most powerful in Europe.
  • Mr. Zelensky pledged to restore Ukrainian sovereignty in Crimeaannexed by Russia in 2014, in order to restore “world public order”.
  • In the field, since the withdrawal of Russian forces from the vicinity of kyiv at the end of March, most of the fighting was concentrated in the east – where Moscow slowly gained ground before the front froze – and in the South – where the Ukrainian troops say they are carrying out a counter-offensive, which is also very slow.

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