Six myths to debunk to reduce child abuse

by time news

2024-07-05 06:43:28

With the arrival of the summer season, the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP) reminds adults of the importance of keeping a close eye on the beach and the pool. Drowning represents the second cause of accidental death in children under the age of 14 in Spain, according to this article.

Seis mitos a revertir para reducir el ahogamiento infantilArmbands and floats are tools that provide false protection to those responsible for undercover. EFE/EPA/YAHYA ARHAB

Almost thirty of the children live in between 0 and 17 years die from drowning in 2023. Additionally, the AEP notes that for each death there could be one to four non-fatal drownings that require hospitalization and can leave results with varying degrees of muscle damage. That’s why it’s important to change the narratives to better care for victims.

The main reasons for the event

AEP registers two elevations in the event of flooding:

  • Children under four years of age: in this case the events often occur fresh waterit is important the lake individuals.
  • Young people, usually boys: These are twice the death rate of girls and they tend to suffer these types of accidents in the sea, canals, rivers and lakes, associated with alcohol and drugs as causal factors.

Dr. Ignacio Manrique, who is the coordinator of the AEP Life Support Committee said: “Even if there is a rescuer, adults should not stop taking care of children, even if they use ventilators.

“The only system that prevents child abuse is arms, so we should not look further, especially in the case of young people,” he added.

Since these immersions are related to recreational activities, they happen mainly in the summer and on weekends. In fact, the The highest water number is recorded between 4 and 6 pm..

The common myth about drowning

In order to reduce these figures, the AEP do six myths by sinking to prevent these false beliefs to limit the ability to prevent them.

1. Armbands and floats prevent children from drowning

Various swimming accessories are often used by children who have great difficulty staying in the water environment. However, although these accessories help them to float, they do not prevent sleep, since they do not ensure that the airways are clear of water at all times. Using it as a protective measure can generate a false sense of security that reduces awareness and caution.

The only effective and recommended equipment for flotation of the bath life jacket which you should use whenever you walk on any surface on water. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to maintain caution and use a vest.

2. A drowning person asks for help

When this person does not scream or ask for help since he concentrates all his efforts on lifting his head and breathing.

According to the AEP, it has been noted that the water logging process can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few minutes, so understanding this situation is a challenge for lifeguards and bathers.

3. When faced with water you have to go and help

Experts and risk managers must make a special effort to tell the witnesses of the drowning not to try to rescue by entering the water, since the rescue attempt of a bath can end badly, as the victims often go down with them at all costs of it is close, thus corresponding to the life of the first responder, who creates a new event.

That’s why it’s important to warn immediately to a savior and / or have flotation equipment available in public places.

4. The drowning person must be kept face down to clear the water from the lungs

There is a belief that to revive a drowning person you have to empty water of your lungs. These strategies, in addition to being futile according to the AEP, represent a loss of time necessary to reverse the victim’s hypoxia.

Currently, for drowning people who are not breathing, it is recommended to hold them CPR Procedure with ventilations and chest compressions.

5. After eating, you should not bathe to avoid obstructing digestion.

Traditionally, it has always been recommended to wait around two hours after eating before taking a shower in order to avoid “indigestion”. This term refers to the disruption of the process of food.

However, digestive disorders can occur both in and out of the water because of what the AEP actually recommends avoid is it him hot shock which is related to blood flow and is called hydrocution syncope.

To prevent it, we recommend gradual acclimatization, maintaining adequate hydration, avoiding large meals and excessive exposure to heat. They also recommend paying attention to any signs of anxiety, dizziness or weakness.

6. The red flag does not affect all bathers

Through social networks, the idea has been spread that the red flag does not affect athletes since to perform their activity they need conditions in which there are waves and wind.

However, have a high level of knowledge of marine sports (such as swimming or open water), does not exempt from compliance with regulations and does not imply immunity from aquatic events.

#myths #debunk #reduce #child #abuse

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