six years later, “91% of victims have received an offer of compensation”, says the Minister of Justice

by time news

Éric Dupond-Moretti the Minister of Justice will represent the government on Thursday in Nice for the commemorations of the attack which left 86 dead and some 400 injured on the evening of July 14, 2016 on the Promenade des Anglais. In a daily interview Nice morningThursday, July 14, he returns to the compensation of victims and the trial which will open on September 5, in Paris.

The Minister of Justice explains that “The guarantee fund has paid 92 million euros in compensation” and “91% of victims received an offer of compensation, 76% accepted a final settlement”. “A total of 2,500 victims were taken care of. For 215 people, the amicable compensation procedure continues. These are in particular minor victims whose state of health is not consolidated.continues the minister in this interview.

On July 14, 2016, around 30,000 people gathered on the Promenade des Anglais for the traditional fireworks display. It was in this crowd that Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, a 30-year-old Tunisian living in Nice, drove a 19-tonne truck, mowing down dozens of people for two minutes, before being shot dead by the police.

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The trial of this drama will take place from September 5, before the special assize court in Paris. The main responsible being dead, the magistrates will examine the responsibilities of eight other people, members of his entourage or intermediaries involved in the trafficking of weapons which were intended for him.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Nice attack: from July 11 to 14, the eleven passages of the truck on the promenade

At least 865 people or associations (Memorial of the Angels, Promenade des Anges, Life for Nice, Fenvac) have joined as civil parties. Referring to this trial, the Minister considers that “justice is a kind of confiscation of the right to revenge”. “After such a trial, the victims come out a little less badly. (…) We respond to this barbarity with the law”he assures.

The Minister adds that the innovations of the November 13 trial will be used for the trial of the Nice attack – annex room, psychological assistance for the victims, system of colored badges to distinguish the role of each, and in particular the victims. who agree to speak, and those who refuse to speak to the press – with something new. The “Web radio will also work abroad insofar as 25% of the victims of the Nice attack are foreign, with 53 different nationalities. Finally, the victims will be able to follow the trial remotely by video in Nice in a dedicated room..

Read also: Nice attack in 2016: seven men and a woman returned to the assizes

The World with AFP

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