Skaraborg Hospital Chief Physician Reported to Police – Outrage Among Staff

by time news

Beata Oscarsson, chief physician at Skaraborg hospital, is a very highly valued colleague. With high integrity, great knowledge and commitment, always with the patient at the center, she has been a great role model for us other doctors at the hospital for decades.

Now Skas has reported her to the police on very loose grounds, all to silence her and others to point out and criticize shortcomings arising from the closure of the emergency hospital in Lidköping.

Shame on the hospital management! Is there any director of operations or anyone else in the hospital management who has civil courage enough to, like Beata Oscarsson, dare to speak out despite the risk of reprisals – that the closure of the emergency room entails great risks of patient injury and death.

The police report for misconduct in the exercise of authority is much closer to hand than the report that has now been made. The anger of the employees is great!

Anonymous but not silenced colleague

The doctor Beata produced numbers of saved emergency patients – has been reported to the police: “Strange” The senior doctor: So many have survived thanks to the emergency room in Lidköping

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