Skateboarding: the Olympic dream of young skateboarders

by time news

The boards slam on the floor. Teenagers stamp their feet: “When do we eat? “The day is busy: these 25 young people, aged 8 to 15, chain jumps and other “nose wheelings”. They are trying to join the French skate team for the 2024 Olympics in Paris. “I gave it my all and got the best mark,” exults the Avignonnaise Armony after an exercise. Different departments of the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur region were represented last Sunday at the Marignane skate park. The Paca League organized the first detection for the 2024 Olympics in Paris.

“I would like to be part of the France team, dreams Noé Montagard, 10 years old. They are really strong, they have style, flow… I’m going to have to train! If he is selected among all the skaters in his region, then selected during the interregional selections, Noé could join the French junior team next spring, with 2024 in his sights.

The France A team, led by Marseillais Vincent Matheron, is preparing for the 2021 Olympics where skateboarding will feature as an additional sport. “We are one of the favorite nations, behind the United States and Brazil”, assures Clément Camier, national technical referent. “We are a little behind in terms of equipment: we have had beautiful skateparks in France for five years; in Brazil or the United States, it’s been more like 15 to 20 years,” contextualizes Matthieu Foix, regional referent for the South region.

The road is long for Paris

To compete with the big nations, French skateboarding has structured itself rapidly in recent years, following the classic model of French sports. The best of each generation go on an internship with the French team every three months. “They do muscle building, they are followed by physiotherapists, osteopaths, a nutritionist. It’s like in other high-level sports, ”guarantees Clément Camier. They then participate in international competitions.

Is the spirit of skateboarding soluble in this type of federal, quasi-bureaucratic organization? “Not everyone agrees with that in the community, recognizes Maxime Cherarak, director of a club in Avignon. For me, we have to go in this direction. We always asked to see more skateboarding on TV. We’re coming to a time when things are getting structured, but that doesn’t prevent us from keeping the underground side for those who want to… And doing athletics for those who want to! »

This is the case of Manoa Richter, who distinguished himself on Sunday. Seeing his childish face and his slender physique, you can’t guess what he is capable of doing on his board. “I’m thinking a bit about the Games,” he breathes. I will be 16 in 2024, this is the age when we can start sending power. “Tom Martin, who is the same age, is already in the French junior team. The French under-16 champion participated in the detections as an “opener”: he had to show the exercises to the other participants. “I have a good level, smiles the teenager. Maybe I will manage to qualify for the 2024 Games… But there are other strong skaters! The Skateboard Federation now has nearly 2,000 members. And the road is long for Paris.

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