Škoda Vagonka has not managed to deliver three new electric trains within the set deadline /

by times news cr

2024-08-02 04:20:41

Thus, PV currently owns 29 electric trains out of a total of 32 trains. Among them, 27 trains are used for passenger transportation, while two trains are undergoing final checks.

PV explained that the geopolitical situation in Europe is still unstable, as well as the ongoing war in Ukraine, which still affects global supply chains, and these factors have created challenges with the supply of individual train components, so PV has not yet received three electric trains from the manufacturer.

The company noted that the manufacturer is taking all necessary measures and is committed to fulfilling the contract in full in the shortest possible time. However, taking into account the insurmountable circumstances, it is currently not possible to say the exact deadlines for the delivery of the remaining trains.

PV cooperates with the manufacturer so that the delivery and commissioning of the remaining electric trains takes place in the shortest possible time within the framework of the existing contract. The purpose of PV is to introduce all the new electric trains adopted so far into daily traffic, focusing on the accuracy of passenger transportation.

PV also noted that the 29 new electric trains are enough to completely abandon the use of old electric trains. At the same time, in order to maintain high accuracy of transportation also in the upcoming winter season and to ensure the ability to quickly respond to possible crisis conditions caused by natural elements, PV 13 of the old electric trains will be kept in reserve.

Commenting on the possible fines for the Czech company, PV explained that the calculation of fines according to contractual relations is still ongoing, but the final decision on the amount of contractual fines will be made after the receipt of all electric trains and an objective evaluation of all conditions that affected the delivery of trains.

PV reminded that the introduction of new electric trains into traffic is taking place gradually in accordance with the risk mitigation plan developed at the beginning of the year.

LETA already reported that the delivery of the remaining new electric trains of “Skoda Vagonka” had to be done by the end of July this year.

The representatives of the two companies previously explained that the agreement on extending the delivery dates until the end of summer was concluded based on the analysis provided by independent experts on the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the fulfillment of contractual obligations.

In order to determine the impact caused by the war on the performance of the contract, “Škoda Vagonka” submitted an opinion prepared by the expert “Deloitte Advisory”, while for the evaluation of the opinion, PV hired the legal consultant “PricewaterhouseCoopers Legal”, which evaluated the indicated circumstances affecting the performance of the contract.

The legal consultant concluded that the circumstances indicated in the opinion are considered objective and are justified for the extension of the terms of delivery of electric trains specified in the contract, as none of the parties could foresee these conditions at the time of the conclusion of the contract.

It has already been reported that in mid-December 2023 PV started passenger transportation with the new Škoda Vagonka electric trains. Before that, the trains were tested and tested for a long time in the Latvian railway infrastructure. Despite this, the new trains were regularly hit by various problems in December last year and in January of this year.

The first two wagons of the new electric trains produced by the Czech company “Škoda Vagonka” were delivered to Riga in June 2022.

Each electric train consists of four carriages. The length of one electric train is 109 meters. Each train has seats for 436 passengers and parking spaces for 454 passengers. The trains have single level boarding from the elevated passenger platforms.

The total cost of the entire project is estimated at 257.889 million euros.

PV was established in 2001, separating domestic passenger transportation from the functions performed by “Latvijas dželčas”. Previously, PV was a 100% subsidiary of “Latvijas dželčas” but in October 2008 it was transformed into a state-owned company.

2024-08-02 04:20:41

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