Sky, Ibarra resigns

by time news

Sky Italia, CEO Maximo Ibarra resigns. According to what he learns, will leave the company at the end of July, but has already communicated his decision internally. Another professional challenge awaits him. In fact, he will pass to Engineering as the new CEO. “I am excited to join Engineering, the Italian champion of digital transformation and development of software solutions and proprietary platforms for the enterprise market. I will make my skills available not only as CEO, but also as an entrepreneur in partnership with the investment funds involved, to build new synergies and strengthen levels of collaboration “.

“A choice of entrepreneurial vision that represents a fundamental turning point in my professional career after the productive experience in Sky that I leave stronger and with well-defined development plans. – he adds – I will be committed to accelerating the growth of Engineering through an industrial strategy aimed at seize the numerous opportunities in a sector in profound and constant evolution such as that of Information Technology, at a time when Europe is about to make a great effort for digitization and innovation “.

IBARRA WHO IT IS – Maximo Ibarra had joined Sky Italia in 2019. Graduated in Economics, Ibarra who was born in 1968 holds a Masters in Business Administration, a Masters in Telecommunications Marketing from Insead in Paris and attended a General course Management at the London Business School.

At the beginning of his career, in 1994, he worked in Telecom Italia Mobile as a Marketing Analyst and in Omnitel Vodafone, holding various responsibilities and becoming the Marketing Director of the Consumer segment. Subsequently, he worked as Italy Sales Director in DHL International, in Fiat Auto, as vice-president of Strategies and Business Development of the Services Business Unit, and in Benetton Group, in Treviso, as Vp Worldwide Marketing and Communication.

In 2004 he joined Wind as Marketing Director of Mobile telephony. Subsequently he held the position of Director of the Consumer Mobile Business Unit and, therefore, that of Director of the Consumer Mobile and Fixed Business Unit and then became its Chief Executive Officer and General Manager. He was also managing director of Kpn, a leading telecommunications company in the Netherlands.

THE LETTER TO EMPLOYEES – “Maximo Ibarra has decided to leave Sky to face a new professional challenge and will remain with the company until the end of July”. According to what learns, these were the words of Sky’s vice president and CEO of Uk and Europe, Stephen van Rooyen in a letter sent by the group’s employees in which Ibarra’s resignation from his position as CEO of Sky Italia was communicated.

“Until the identification of a new CEO, whose search has already begun – explains van Rooyen-, I will lead the work of the leadership team with the invaluable support of Karl Holmes, Coo Europe. In the last year I have not been able to pass, as I would have liked some time in Italy because of Covid and I can’t wait to be there more often to help the team, together with Karl, in this transition phase “.

In the letter, van Rooyen recalls that Ibarra, as CEO of Sky Italia, “has given an important acceleration to the change of the company, laying the foundations for a process of transformation of the business and the operating model through a socially sustainable approach. Guida Sky Italia has successfully launched Sky Wifi, one of the best performing ultra-fast connection services on the market, and has also accompanied our people through the various phases of the pandemic crisis, always giving priority to their safety “.

THE NOTE OF ENGINEERING – The shareholders’ meeting of Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, called for next April 29, will be called to approve the 2020 financial statements and ratify the appointment of Maximo Ibarra as designeted CEO. This was announced by the group in a note.

Paolo Pandozy, president and CEO of Engineering, has announced his resignation which will become operational with the transfer of powers to Ibarra at the end of the coaching period. The shareholders and the board of directors of Engineering Ingegneria Informatica thank Paolo Pandozy for having led the Group “in its constant growth with competence and vision in recent decades, leading it to become a leader in digital transformation”. At the same time, the note reads, they welcome Maximo Ibarra “with enthusiasm also for the dual role he will assume”.

In fact, Maximo Ibarra, in addition to becoming CEO of Engineering, will also be a partner of the shareholder funds, Bain Capital and Neuberger Berman, thus starting an entrepreneurial path. In addition to his most recent experience at the helm of Sky Italia, Maximo Ibarra was CEO of Kpn until 2019. Previously he held the position of CEO of Wind Tre. He is currently a member of the Mediobanca board of directors, teaches digital marketing at Luiss Guido Carli and leads the B20 Digital Transformation task force.

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