‘Slave’ grandfather syndrome: when taking care of grandchildren is your responsibility instead of that of your children

by time news

2023-10-23 20:43:47

Have you heard the phrase, “times change”? An example is the new family structures, where there are two parents or dog-children, to mention. This evolution has also given rise to great social challenges, where the slave grandfather syndrome.

Endless working hours, low salaries and the impossibility or mistrust of hiring the services of a nanny or daycare have caused little by little the Grandparents take on the role of caregivers for their grandchildren.

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What is slave grandparent syndrome or caregiver grandparents?

The figure of grandparents or grandparents (in English) has become indispensable in the support and functioning of the new homes; acquire responsibilities that are outside their role and that in some cases lead to abuse and even exploitation, describes a study of the University of Salamanca.

What is the profile of a slave grandfather?

It is not strange that it is difficult to detect if you are a slave grandfather or caretaker, in Latin American societies where the word love has the meaning of unconditional or the lack of saying “no”. It ultimately becomes something to see, which is why we reveal its characteristics:

1- The first was already mentioned, they are grandparents who have great difficulty refusing.
2- They live at expectation of work hours of their children and activities of their grandchildren.
3- They do not have enough free time to socialize with other people their age or do any recreational activity of their choice.
4- They do not verbalize their disagreement since they see it as your obligation.
5- Although they love spending time with their grandchildren, on many occasions they feel very tired or overwhelmed by the effort of taking care of them.

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The risks of being a slave grandparent or caregiver

There is a reason why doctors and the female body determine an appropriate age for have children (which ranges between 25 to 35 years). It is not only a biological clock, but of energies. It should be noted that you do not have the same energy at 20 as at 70 years old.

This situation raises several aspects. The first is the long hours, it is estimated that, in most cases, the minimum is 6 hours. On the other hand, grandparents neglect their health to ensure the well-being of their grandchildren, for not reflecting that they are people who often already have chronic degenerative diseases.

In addition, they do not have the same vitality and movement as their grandchildren and children, which can lead them to develop stress, anxiety, exhaustion and even depression.

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Is there anything positive about being a slave grandfather?

The word reveals to us that, as such, no. However, a study published in Evolution and Human Behavior found that the grandparents taking care of their grandchildren occasionally they tend to live five more years than those who don’t.

However, some points must be reflected on or highlighted: a high percentage of couples wait until after the age of 30 to become parents, which means that grandparents are between 50 and 70 years old.

On the other hand, the hours requested for care are the same as a working day, and even more, without adding those that the children use for their personal recreation.

Each family has its own history and needs. Only in the core of each home can it be decided, Is it the obligation of grandparents to care for and educate their grandchildren?Or, if children should pay parents for the work of taking care of the youngest members of the home?

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