Sleep, food, clothing, work… Our guide to survival during heat waves

by time news

Faced with the major heat wave that has gradually spread to France since Tuesday, Météo France has once again placed 11 departments on orange alert. The organization defines a heat wave as “an episode of high temperatures, day and night” over a period of three consecutive days. Here are some tips and reflexes to adopt to best get through this episode.

These daily gestures to adopt

What to do (or not!) in the face of heat

Caulk yourself, dress in light-coloured clothes, protect your head, drink water regularly, up to 1.5 to 2 liters a day, the main remedies for the coming heat wave (up to 40°C expected in the South), we know them. Others exist, to get through this “early” heat wave as well as possible, provided you don’t make any mistakes. We separate the true from the false here.

How to sleep better with the heat wave?

The days are boring but the nights can be just as boring. You put away your blanket in the closet and aired the room, but nothing helped. You toss and turn in your bed, struggling to sleep in the dampness of the room. Our tips for finding a peaceful sleep are in this article.

How do I refresh my home?

While significant heat should affect France this weekend, keeping your accommodation at bearable temperatures can be complex. Faced with this, the Ecological Transition Agency (Ademe), an establishment in particular placed under the responsibility of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, has published a guide to “keep your accommodation cool”. Overview of solutions to prevent the mercury from rising too much indoors.

What colors to wear when it’s hot?

We’ve always been told that wearing black would be anything but a good idea in hot weather. In general, all dark colors should be avoided when temperatures soar. We help you see more clearly in your wardrobe here.

How to take care of your pet when it’s hot?

When the thermometer gets carried away, vigilance is also required for our pets. Dogs and cats do not have the same mechanisms for regulating their body temperature as we do. While we sweat, for them it is the gasping and peripheral vasodilation combo that allows them to evacuate heat. To help them overcome the heat waves, some recommendations are necessary, we share them with you here.

On your plate

What should I eat?

Certain water-rich foods can help us better get through this heat wave that is testing our bodies. In addition to being uncomfortable to live with, it often weighs on our stomachs. Difficult to know which meal to turn to when the mercury reaches 40 degrees. Our tips for properly filling your fridge.

Why not drink alcohol?

You dreamed of a large beer on the terrace to cool off? Don’t mind, alcohol during hot weather is very strongly discouraged by doctors. We explain to you why it is better to order a large glass of water, or even a herbal tea.

The essentials to know before the effort

Should sports be avoided?

In very hot weather, playing sports can be dangerous. Above 30°C, the body finds it difficult to evacuate heat, and the athlete is then exposed to the risk of sunstroke. What behaviors to adopt? Here is a series of tips to follow if, nevertheless, you want to do it.

Is it inadvisable to have sex?

As for sport, sex is subject to some precautions during episodes of high heat. Sex can feel like a long distance run, a marathon, or a sprint, depending on your experience. In a heat wave, it is in any case like sport: not forbidden… but subject to a few precautions. Because heat stroke can happen quickly, Le Parisien gives you the best advice here.

Red alert for families

Can we take baby out, even in the shade?

The elderly are not the only ones particularly fragile in the heat wave. Toddlers can also suffer greatly, like those that are falling on France this weekend. So how do you prevent baby from becoming dehydrated or getting heatstroke, materialized by fever, pale skin or even unusual restlessness? Le Parisien offers you solutions to protect your child during this episode in this article.

Can children continue to play outside?

Fresh ice cream, the fan and its incessant comings and goings. Everyone tries to cool off as best they can. While the holidays have started for a few days, the children can take full advantage of their free time. However, with these high temperatures, it is strongly advised not to go out. Our list of recommendations before letting the kids poke their noses outside, right here.

What precautions for pregnant women?

Some cities in France experience temperatures close to 40°C. An even more worrying situation for fragile people, such as pregnant women. Le Parisien gives you some advice to best get through this trying period.

Between work and temperature

Can I be banned from going to work in shorts?

With temperatures approaching 40°C, going to the office in pants quickly becomes unbearable. Same thing when we work in the trade, in the factory or on construction sites… Can we however wear shorts at work without being reproached for it? The answer differs depending on the job and working conditions. Le Parisien helps you make the right choice in this article.

Can we not go to work because of the heat?

In some cases, it is possible not to go to work in the event of high temperatures, in particular by using your right of withdrawal when nothing has been put in place by the employer. This is a question that many employees will ask themselves in the coming days. It all depends in fact on the working conditions and its own form, our article explains it to you in detail here.

But not everyone is afraid to sweat on the arrival of this new heatwave episode. Better, some even appreciate these very hot weather. Testimonials from those who laugh at the heat wave.

What is happening scientifically?

What is the “heat feather” that causes temperatures to rise?

France is facing a heat plume which has an impact on the rise in mercury. The 40° mark will be exceeded. The expression “heat feather” may contain a certain sweetness, yet it is this which is at the origin of the rise in temperatures. But if we had already heard of “heat dome”, one of which was installed in France last month, the “heat feather” is rarer.

Why does the heat hurt us so much?

It sweats and weighs down the legs, it spins cramps and pimples, it exhausts, overwhelms and stuns, deprives sleep and appetite. And sometimes it kills. But why is the heat so nasty?

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