‘Sleep professor’ will investigate link between insomnia and anxiety

by time news

There is still not enough knowledge about underlying causes to better treat anxiety disorders and chronic insomnia. Eus van Someren and his research team want to change that. He has been fighting for better treatment of insomnia for years and made the Netherlands the international frontrunner in fundamental research into insomnia.

Do not separate disorders

“If you see how often anxiety and insomnia occur together, it is actually strange how separately these disorders have been studied and treated until now,” says Van Someren. “There is also a strong overlap in experienced complaints. People feel tense, stressed, ” hyper.” That is also measurable in the activity of the brain and other organs. Breaking through these unbearable complaints can be done better if we do not artificially separate day and night.”

Together with patients

The team is looking for participants for the study via Slaapregister.nl who, in addition to their poor sleep, also have complaints of anxiety, stress or emotion regulation. Thousands of people can help the research by filling out questionnaires. Hundreds of them can take measurements of their brain activity before, during and after sleep from home. Treatments are also being tried, including with new medication. Van Someren expects that people will get their anxiety and post-traumatic stress symptoms under control more easily if they sleep better.

Beyond pigeonholing

Van Someren: “From many conversations with patients, psychologists, psychiatrists, somnologists and researchers, I notice time and again how difficult it is apparently to move beyond the box thinking. ‘Being upset’ always encompasses a whole range of things that are not going well, physically and emotionally. For better understanding and treatment, pigeonholing should really go behind us. I am very happy that thanks to this subsidy I can make significant steps with my fantastic team of employees to achieve this.”

Groundbreaking research

The ERC, part of the European Commission, awards grants for groundbreaking research to a select number of excellent scientists. It is exceptional that Van Someren has now received this subsidy for the second time. His previously awarded project in 2015 has yielded many innovative and applicable insights. Thanks to that project, we understand better why insomnia can lead to depression and how we can prevent it.

By: National Care Guide

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