Sleep Yoga What is it and what are its benefits?

by time news

Do you know what sleep yoga is? You’ve probably heard of it, but if you haven’t yet, we’ll tell you what the benefits of sleep yoga are and how you can put it into practice.

And don’t worry, you don’t need to have league flexibility to perform these techniques.

Sleep Yoga: What is it and what are its benefits? / Photo: iStock

Because I can not sleep?

Lack of sleep is associated with various factors, here are some to find out if what you need is to start practicing sleep yoga.

Some of the causes of insomnia or difficulty sleeping are:

  • Worry
  • Consumption of stimulants such as nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, etc.
  • Chronic exposure to stress and anxiety
  • mental health problems

Although not all cases are the same, you can try to carry out the yoga exercises for sleep to ensure a better quality of sleep.

What is sleep yoga?

As its name implies, the purpose of sleep yoga is to help you get a restful night’s rest without the need for body-altering medications.

Although it is known as sleep yogait is rather an accumulation of meditation techniques aimed at training present attention, that is, focusing on the moment to avoid the discomforts that accompany poor quality sleep.

Sleep Yoga: What is it and what are its benefits? / Photo: iStock

What are the benefits of doing sleep yoga?

A study published in the United States National Library of Medicine found that meditation It has positive impacts on emotional and brain health, as it induces neuronal plasticity, regulates metabolism, as well as the functions of the immune and endocrine systems.

In addition, the benefits of sleep yoga have a very positive impact on the elderly, this is explained in an article also published in the National Library of Medicine of the United States, where it is mentioned that this sector of the population tends to to develop sleep problems

How to do sleep yoga?

Performing the sleep yoga meditation techniques does not require materials but a lot of concentration. Here we present what the sleep yoga techniques are.

  • Breathing exercises: A basic for good yoga practices is to take a good conscious breath, this can be a slow breath or a deep breath.
  • Visualizations: It is about imagining a scene or moment that generates pleasant sensations in the body. The key will be concentration to be able to feel a kind of state of hypnosis.
  • Gratitude: Focus attention on moments in life in which you have felt grateful for some aroma, person, taste, sound, company or experience.
  • Counting: A classic remedy for insomnia is to count series of numbers slowly and progressively. This will bring your attention to the present and tell your brain that it is time to rest.
  • Make a recount of the day: Recall the activities you did during the day, it will help you feel more fulfilled and satisfied with yourself, which will bring peace of mind to your thinking.
    It is important that when performing this exercise, you do not spend too much time reviewing the moments of the day, otherwise, the chances of developing feelings of worry or regret increase.

As you can see, the dream yoga exercises only require from you all the willingness to be aware of what you are experiencing in the present so as not to accumulate future worries or regrets from the past.

now that you know what is it and what are the benefits of sleep yogayou can incorporate this activity into your daily routine to ensure a longer and more pleasant night’s sleep.

If you want to add physical activity to your meditation exercises, we leave you this video with yoga postures that you can do to sleep better.

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