SMA and VALOREM join forces on 5 large photovoltaic power plant projects

by time news


SMA, a specialist in systems engineering for photovoltaics and storage, was chosen by the developer of green energy projects, VALOREM, for the commissioning, in 2021, of 5 large photovoltaic power plant projects in France. SMA provides VALOREM with turnkey solutions for the installation of centralized inverters.

Projects that strengthen their partnership in favor of the development of solar energy in France. A promising future for this green and non-carbon energy.

An independent operator in green energies for nearly 30 years, VALOREM launched, in 2020, a call for tenders for the construction of 5 large photovoltaic power plants located in the south-west of France as part of the CRE 4 calls for tenders. .

SMA was chosen as the supplier, for the installation of 9 MVPS *, of medium voltage turnkey solutions comprising centralized Sunny Central 4000 and 4600 UP inverters, transformers and medium voltage distribution cells. SMA will also be responsible for the service contracts for the entire lifespan of these 5 plants, ie 25 to 30 years. The 5 solar parks located in the Landes (40), Haute Garonne (31) and Gironde (33) were put into service between March and October 2021. They together represent 5, a capacity of nearly 50 MWp, i.e. the equivalent of the consumption of around 15,000 households, or around 45% of the residential electricity needs of a city like Poitiers.

“We chose SMA for their recognized historical expertise but also for the quality and durability of their products. On the 5 solar projects, SMA’s offers represented a technico-economic optimum accompanied by guarantees of reliability. Our choice was also made in an appreciable context of availability and undeniable technical mastery of the SMA teams. “
Thierry Courvoisier, Head of Solar Studies Office at VALOREM

“We are very happy to work alongside VALOREM, which like SMA, is a historical player in energy, and with which we share many values. The technical and commercial teams of SMA France worked in close collaboration with the various entities of the VALOREM group to offer turnkey solutions meeting the specificities of each of these 5 great projects. Great attention has been paid to the operation and after-sales service of our solutions. Our dedicated service teams are based as close as possible to the power plants in order to ensure maximum performance and availability. “
Vincent Mathely, Sales Director at SMA France

*MVPS : « Medium Voltage Power Station »

Apropos of VALUE
French and independent operator in green energies, the VALOREM group masters the entire process of valuing renewable energies, from development to operation-maintenance, including assistance services to project management, construction or auditing. A pioneer in wind power in France and with more than 320 employees, VALOREM is also present in the French Antilles, Colombia, Finland and Greece. VALOREM is certified ISO 9001 – quality, ISO 14001 – environment, and ISO 45001 – health and safety at work. More information on:

About SMA France
Founded in 2007, SMA France, the French subsidiary of SMA Solar Technology Ag, the largest manufacturer of solar inverters, is located in Saint-Priest near Lyon, the historic region of photovoltaics in France. At the origin of many first emblematic projects, SMA France has long contributed to the development of photovoltaics in France. SMA France has 35 employees and 4 decentralized technical assistance sites across the country. SMA France is currently working to develop the decentralized and renewable energy supply in France. SMA France in figures: 3 GW of power installed and managed by Service I teams Over 2,000 central inverters installed.

About SMA Solar Technology Ag
As a leading specialist in the world of systems engineering for photovoltaics and storage. Today, the SMA group is putting in place the conditions for the decentralized and renewable energy supply of tomorrow. SMA’s portfolio includes a wide range of efficient photovoltaic inverters and inverter-chargers, total system solutions for photovoltaic installations and storage systems of all power classes, intelligent energy management systems as well as complete solutions for hybrid photovoltaic / diesel applications. Digital energy services as well as comprehensive services up to the support of technical management and maintenance services for photovoltaic power plants complete the range of services. SMA inverters with a total capacity of over 100 gigawatts are installed in more than 190 countries around the world. SMA’s award-winning technology is protected by more than 1,600 patents and utility models. Since 2008, the parent company, SMA Solar Technology Ag, has been listed on the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (S92) and registered with TecDAX.

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