Smallpox in Thailand, should we be afraid or not? Which group is immune? Check it out.

by time news

This shows that there should be a distribution in the community without being able to find the root clearly. And it happened in more than 15 countries in a short period of time. by May on three continents

Investigations into the origins of the spread appear to be linked to the pride celebrations at the canary islands and saunas near Madrid. which is quite specific for people who love the same sex or both sexes (gay homosexual bisexual), who may have close contact including sex And then the people who participated in the festival returned to their home country.

and lead to spread in different countries And this is a statement from the official of Spain. and experts from the World Health Organization But, of course, the next level of distribution is spread by close contact, droplets from talking, coughing, sneezing, and sex, both of the same and heterosexual sex. contact with watery pustules on the skin and use of clothes clothes, sleep in the same bed that has the virus residual

The important problem is Why didn’t such diffusion occur before? and may not be explained by the virus itself. This is because the virus infected people in Portugal in 2022 are not different from those seen in 2018 and 2019, but fortunately the severity of the disease is not high and no deaths have been recorded.

The most probable assumption is that monkey poxGet ready for an eruption all the time. This is because people in every country around the world are vaccinated against smallpox, which can provide at least 85% of the immunity to monkeypox.

But smallpox vaccination was discontinued in 1980 because smallpox was considered extinct. Therefore, people born before 1980 in Thailand, who are probably 50 years or older, are likely to still be immune to monkey pox. but not all
However, when referring to the evidence that has been reported in the journal

New England in 2007. Lemur Center in the US state of Oregon. The long-term study of 45 staff members and follow-up immunizations after vaccination for an average of 15 years or longer found that 60% were still immune to smallpox. after injection smallpox vaccine

by assessing that the remaining landscape There should be a validity period of up to 90 years based on evidence in B cell system memory cells and the level of lymphatic immunity. But that doesn’t mean that all people with residual immunity can outlive them. This is because the efficiency of The immune system in the body will gradually deteriorate as we get older.

Herd immunity acquired by smallpox vaccines both in Africa and around the world is likely to begin to deteriorate.

Scientists from the Pasteur Institute have modeled the math, reported in the 2020 World Health Organization bulletin.

and came to a conclusion They also noted that monkeypox tends to increase sequentially, varying in proportion to the decline in immunity in populations in African countries such as the Congo after the cessation of smallpox vaccination. which can prevent cross to smallpox monkey and began to see the outbreak crammed up

And the events that are happening today are like counting the days waiting for an eruption. where the ability to transmit from one person to another is less than the original one, approximately 0.7-0.8, i.e. one infected person. can spread to others very little but may be higher more than one, and that means the epidemic will not end in a short time (sustained transmission).

if so true This means that vaccination against smallpox is effective against monkeypox. Have to start all over again or the whole world?

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