Smart-working, 5 winning moves to achieve balance between private life and work

by time news

Organize your work, No to multitasking, Relax your mind, Find your spaces, Dedicated time. These are the ‘5 winning moves’ to find a good balance between smartworking and private life. Five useful tips that MeglioQuesto, in collaboration with Relief, have proposed as psychological first aid for emotional emergencies and daily well-being, to support smart workers in an optimal psychological climate. The scenario from which the experts of MeglioQuesto and Relief start is the one outlined by the Smart Working Observatory which estimated that at the end of the pandemic, organizations expect an increase in smart workers compared to the numbers recorded in the last eighteen months.

However, the persistence of the health emergency and the long periods of forced labor from home have also had negative repercussions. The percentage of fully engaged smart workers (i.e. linked to the company and attached to their work, as well as satisfied) has decreased, which went from 18% to 7%, remaining however, albeit slightly, higher than that of other workers included in traditional organizations, equal to 6%. The technostress (i.e. the negative behavioral or psychological impacts caused by the use of technologies) it affected one in four workers, to a greater extent smart workers (28% versus 22% of other employees), women (29% versus 22% of colleagues) and managers (27% versus 23% of collaborators).

Some possible negative effects of technostress are the worsening of the balance between private life and work, efficiency and overworking (i.e. dedicating a large amount of time to work activities while neglecting moments of rest), which involved 13% of workers and to a greater extent the smart workers of other workers (17% versus 9%), women than men (19% versus 11%) and managers compared to collaborators (19% versus 9%). Hence the strategy and advice of Better This in collaboration with Relief with the aim of helping workers to better organize time and modulate emotions to obtain a more effective separation of personal and productive areas, to the advantage of both.

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