SMC presents the report “The mental health of youth: in a state of emergency” in Parliament

by time news

2023-09-28 09:14:58

WP_Post Object
[ID] => 97506
[post_author] => 2
[post_date] => 2023-09-28 09:14:58
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-09-28 07:14:58
[post_content] => [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Carles Boneteresponsible for socio-community programs of the Catalan Mental Health Federation (SMC), along with Julia Rossannapresident of the National Youth Council of Catalonia (CNJC), appeared in the Youth Policy Commission in the Parliament of Catalonia, to present the report to the institution “The mental health of young people: in a state of emergency”, published in the first quarter of this 2023 and prepared jointly by the two organizations. During the presentation, the complex and complicated situation of the present and future for young people was exposed, with few possibilities of decent and quality insertion in the labor market, a breakdown in their development processes, a worsening of the quality of life and a feeling of insufficient support from existing resources and services, among other things.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Mental health and social determinants, beyond labels and diagnoses

In the appearance, emphasis was placed on mental health understood as a broad concept, not only from the perspective of diagnosis and labeling, but as a global set of determinants, of living conditions, that favor or do not favor the well-being of people. As set out in the report, the new paradigm of mental health is based on a situation of youth emergency and the need to address intersectionality and the axes of inequality. Mental health is exposed as something collective and structural, rejecting individuality in terms of the causes: relationship with precariousness and affectation in our relationships with academic, work, social and family environments; resources with territorial imbalances and lack of adjustment between the need for care and resources.

Both the CNJC and the SMC highlighted the great efforts that were carried out to be able to dimension the mental health care data, the existing resources and services, as well as at a qualitative level with witnesses.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”97518″ img_size=”full” add_caption=”yes”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A compilation of data and the voice of specialists and first people

This x-ray is divided into two parts. The first, “Data on the situation of mental health in youth”, seeks to put on the table quantitative data on the mental health of young people and the resources available to care for them. The second, “Mental health in the first person: towards a community approach”, seeks a qualitative approach to the mental health of youth, with the voice of specialists in the field and first people. This part ends with a delimitation of the community perspective of mental health as a paradigm to implement in youth care. The document also ends with the conclusions, which are specified in a decalogue of recommendations to address the youth mental health emergency that we are experiencing.

Observations from the associative fabric

To conclude the intervention, Salut Mental Catalunya presented the various needs that the associative movement is addressing and detecting:

Specific programs for young people addressing their specific needs, adapting to the circumstances and needs of the population and the reference territory and promoting recovery. These programs are the result of multidisciplinary community-based work, from the center and from the person, which involve time, professionals and, therefore, resources. The associative network, which reaches where the administration often cannot, is very tense, with just the right resources and straining the rope of motivation and professional, family and personal commitment to the extreme.
Need to invest resources in the community, who is ultimately the one who welcomes people. This is the space where people’s lives take meaning, in this case young people, who have the right to live this vital stage not as a transition to adulthood but as a unique, enriching experience, enjoyed and lived with all the dignity that it deserves.

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[post_title] => Salut Mental Catalunya presents the report “The mental health of youth: in a state of emergency” in Parliament
[post_excerpt] => The Catalan Mental Health Federation presented this report, drawn up jointly with the National Youth Council of Catalonia (CNJC), which states that precariousness and the lack of resources have placed the mental health of young people in a critical situation.
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[post_modified] => 2023-09-28 09:14:58
[post_modified_gmt] => 2023-09-28 07:14:58
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Salut Mental Catalunya presents the report “The mental health of youth: in a state of emergency” in Parliament

The Catalan Mental Health Federation presented this report, drawn up jointly with the National Youth Council of Catalonia (CNJC), which states that precariousness and a lack of resources have placed the mental health of young people in a critical situation.

Carles Boneteresponsible for socio-community programs of the Catalan Mental Health Federation (SMC), along with Julia Rossannapresident of the National Youth Council of Catalonia (CNJC), appeared in the Youth Policy Commission in the Parliament of Catalonia, to present the report to the institution “The mental health of young people: in a state of emergency”published in the first quarter of this 2023 and prepared jointly by the two organizations.

During the presentation, the complex and complicated situation of the present and future for young people was exposed, with few possibilities of decent and quality insertion in the labor market, a breakdown in their development processes, a worsening of the quality of life and a feeling of insufficient support from existing resources and services, among other things.

Mental health and social determinants, beyond labels and diagnoses

In the appearance, emphasis was placed on mental health understood as a broad concept, not only from the perspective of diagnosis and labeling, but as a global set of determinants, of living conditions, that favor or do not favor the well-being of people.

As set out in the report, the new paradigm of mental health is based on a situation of youth emergency and the need to address intersectionality and the axes of inequality. Mental health is exposed as something collective and structural, rejecting individuality in terms of the causes: relationship with precariousness and affectation in our relationships with academic, work, social and family environments; resources with territorial imbalances and lack of adjustment between the need for care and resources.

Both the CNJC and the SMC highlighted the great efforts that were carried out to be able to dimension the mental health care data, the existing resources and services, as well as at a qualitative level with witnesses.

Time of submission of the report (SMC).

A compilation of data and the voice of specialists and first people

This x-ray is divided into two parts. The first, “Data on the situation of mental health in youth”, seeks to put on the table quantitative data on the mental health of young people and the resources available to care for them. The second, “Mental health in the first person: towards a community approach”, seeks a qualitative approach to the mental health of youth, with the voice of specialists in the field and first people. This part ends with a delimitation of the community perspective of mental health as a paradigm to implement in youth care.

The document also ends with the conclusions, which are specified in a decalogue of recommendations to address the youth mental health emergency that we are experiencing.

Observations from the associative fabric

To conclude the intervention, Salut Mental Catalunya presented the various needs that the associative movement is addressing and detecting:

Specific programs for young people addressing their specific needs, adapting to the circumstances and needs of the population and the reference territory and promoting recovery. These programs are the result of multidisciplinary community-based work, from the center and from the person, which involve time, professionals and, therefore, resources. The associative network, which reaches where the administration often cannot, is very tense, with just the right resources and straining the rope of motivation and professional, family and personal commitment to the extreme.
Need to invest resources in the community, who is ultimately the one who welcomes people. This is the space where people’s lives take meaning, in this case young people, who have the right to live this vital stage not as a transition to adulthood but as a unique, enriching experience, enjoyed and lived with all the dignity that it deserves. Share this post
#SMC #presents #report #mental #health #youth #state #emergency #Parliament

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