SMHI Yellow Warning for Ice Slippage in Eastern Svealand – Traffic and Travel Precautions Needed

by time news

SMHI issues warning for sudden ice slippage in eastern Svealand

The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) has issued a yellow warning for sudden ice slippage in eastern Svealand. An area of rain and sleet is moving in over Södermanland, Stockholm, and parts of Uppsala County, freezing to ice as the precipitation falls on the cold roadways. Localized freezing rain is also expected.

Therese Fougman, meteorologist at SMHI, warned, “If it starts to rain, you have to be on your toes, let off the gas and think about it, because it can be slippery – and it can change quite quickly.”

The ice may limit access on the roads and cause traffic to move more slowly than usual. Additionally, there is a risk of delays and canceled departures in bus and air traffic, according to SMHI. The warning is valid from six o’clock on Sunday evening, during the night, and until six o’clock on Monday morning. After that, the precipitation area is expected to move further north.

Motorists and travelers are advised to exercise caution and stay updated with the latest weather reports. Stay safe and drive carefully.

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