by time news

Narayan is an astrologer. Like some lawyers, they don’t charge for time and money. Like beggars, they will accept what they get. What was given was received. Those who come do not doubt whether they have got enough benefits. A few tricks to beat the time crunch. Meditation at home. Some ways to control the mind. Nothing more is said. If there is time, some mythological stories will also be told.

Harikrishnan, who came with his mind troubled by family problems, was told some simple solutions. Hari liked Narayan’s different methods. The astrologers, seeing good perception and thinking power, said about certain mountains: There are sacred mountains in all religious books. There are mountains of comfort in the Bible, Quran and Indian mythology. When we see a mountain, we are overwhelmed. And with it our great sorrows will melt away. Many people live without even knowing the greatness of the nearby mountain.

Harry felt as if the great burden of grief he had carried in his mind had become smaller. Narayana looked at the astrologers anxiously. The astrologers may have understood it and said: In the Ramayana, in Pampadarshana, Sitavirahad, Lord Rama, overcome with sorrow, tells Lakshmana: Goodness must begin in the mind. If you don’t have goodness and love in your own mind, you won’t find it anywhere else. Near Pampasaras is the holy mountain Rishyamookachalam. If one sleeps on that mountain peak built by Brahma in the past, if he is virtuous, he will get good results. If you see any kind of prosperity in a dream, you will get that result even if you wake up from the dream. But he who sleeps on the top of the mountain, if he is a sinner, will be killed by the demons before he wakes up. Rishyamookachalam is one’s own mind. If you think of good deeds, you will get good results. Evil thoughts will result in hell. Sleep is also preparation for good deeds.

There is no time for any living thing. Even nature has it. Does nature not tolerate torrential rains and hot summers? The distance from summer to spring is the same distance from hardship to good times. A good time does not mean a time when everything is fulfilled. If all the mango trees bear fruit, if all the clouds begin to rain, the balance of nature will be disturbed. Similarly, likes and sufferings maintain the balance of the human mind – Harikrishnan smiled as Narayana listened to the soothsayers. While taking the purse, the astrologer said that there is no greater currency in this nature than this smile.

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