Smiley instead of words | Evening Brest

by time news

2023-08-06 09:30:00

One and the same phrase “You are wrong”, for example, can be said coldly, angrily, with irony, flirting with this very “wrong” … But if communication turns exclusively into correspondence, the addressee does not understand: is it a joke or seriously, with resentment or wanting to flirt? So emoticons come to the rescue, which explain: just kidding, just kidding, don’t be offended.

Cute “koloboks” rolled on social networks, penetrated into business correspondence, and it seemed they were playing their positive and even conciliatory role great. But there is no perfection in life: their on-duty smiles began to come across where they were not expected at all. We did not even notice how kisses and “eyebrows with a house” that are the same for everyone began to replace more and more accurate words that convey deep feelings. You no longer need to think about congratulating your mother, girlfriend, loved one – you take a suitable emoticon, stick it to the banality of “health, happiness in your personal life” and send it to your loved ones for the celebration. One press of a finger, and all the hares are killed: I didn’t forget about my birthday, I don’t need to strain my brain, I delivered greetings “with all my heart”.

But there are people, imagine, who are offended to receive such a message. Not so much to tears, but the cold paw of melancholy, no, no, and yes, it will touch the soul. They want their relatives, friends, colleagues to notice their exclusivity (and any person is unique). To mark their tenderness, the ability to see life interestingly, there are those who consider iron restraint and their organizational skills a virtue. A person needs something personal – words as evidence of intimacy, proof that someone is thinking about him, NOTICES. Intuitively, he expects confirmation of his originality – once a year, well, two, can you say this? Instead, a “kolobok” comes with a perky “Everything will be fine!”. And such “balls” fly from everywhere. It seems that Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki return friends with whom they divorce life, and such a smiley will fly in, and you understand: the distance and years turned out to be insurmountable.

It is believed that the more synonyms of the same concept in the language, the deeper, more refined the feelings of the native speaker of this language. Once upon a time, school teachers of the Belarusian and Russian languages ​​taught us to express emotions accurately – we strained to build whole chains of words reflecting feelings. Now emoticons are becoming in a similar row – like a whole set, and cold detachment blows from this system.

Write words to each other. They are very demanding, they force you to search, penetrate, they force you to think about a person, try to understand him, see the best and … forgive. Words bring us closer, and that is their magical power.

Tatyana Shelamova

#Smiley #words #Evening #Brest

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