Smog, in 6 months over 1 million requests for collective action Aria Pulita, Milan leading the way

by time news

2023-12-21 18:04:23

Reached and exceeded the first million requests in just 6 months. In fact, from June to today there have been 1,151,096 demonstrations of interest in the Aria Pulita collective action, carried out by the Consulcesi legal team. Leading this long march against air pollution in Italy is Milan. Not only for the “record” number of requests, around 212 thousand, but also because it will be the first city to start with the Consulcesi legal action. In fact, the registration of the first collective action has been made official, and the appeals for violation of the Pm10 and NO2 limits have been filed. “Now the judgment is pending before the Court of Milan and waiting for it to be assigned to the Section and the Judge”, explain Consulcesi’s lawyers. The hearing is expected to take place next spring.

“This first positive balance suggests that we are actually on the right path and that we have correctly interpreted an unsatisfied need of a large part of the Italian population – declares Massimo Tortorella, president of Consulcesi Group – In a few months we have intercepted a large number of citizens aware of how much the poor air quality can negatively impact their health, who have decided to give voice to their right to live in a healthy environment”.

On the podium of the most “eco-sensitive” cities, we read in a note, there is Milan with 211,286 requests to the Aria Pulita collective action, followed by Rome with 140,635 demonstrations of interest and Turin with 47,893 requests. The first southern city interested in Consulcesi’s legal initiative is Naples with 44,659 demonstrations of interest. “For next year we expect even more important numbers – underlines Tortorella – Milan will only lead the way and I am convinced that, immediately, it will be followed by many of the 3,384 Italian municipalities and cities for which the European Court of Justice has fined the Italy for violation of exceeding the threshold values ​​of fine particles (Pm10) and nitrogen dioxide (No2)”.

In total, approximately 40 million Italian citizens are forced to breathe unhealthy air that is potentially harmful to their health – the note details – and who, for this reason, can request compensation from the State and the Regions, joining the collective action Aria clean from Consulcesi. “By joining our initiative – recalls Tortorella – you will not only have the possibility of obtaining fair compensation for the violation of our right to live in a healthy environment, but also of taking control of your own future health and that of your loved ones : breathing clean air is non-negotiable, never.”

To join the collective action – concludes the note – it is sufficient to demonstrate, through a historical certificate of residence, that you have resided between 2008 and 2018 in one or more of the territories involved. To find out if and how to participate in the collective action, Consulcesi makes the Aria Pulita website available:

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