Smotrich to live in the demonstration of the right: “Don’t you dare cancel basic laws, no one has the authority to do that”

by time news

2023-09-07 16:22:42

Thousands of people came to a demonstration in Jerusalem this evening (Thursday) in favor of legal reform and against the possibility that the High Court of Justice will rule that the cancellation of the reason for reasonableness is against the law.

The rally was held in front of the Supreme Court in Jerusalem, a few days before the High Court hearing on the petitions against the amendment of the Basic Judiciary Law and the cancellation of the reason of reasonableness.

The event was attended by Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich, Ministers Orit Struck and Galit Distral Atbarian, MK Boaz Bismut, Professor Limor Semimian-Darash, Professor Elisha Haas, Dr. Keren Assig, Attorney Michael Deborin and others.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich: “I would like to appeal from here to the person sitting in the chamber right behind us, the President of the Supreme Court Ester Hayut. Even if you think that the reforms we are leading in the judicial system are wrong, invalidating a Basic Law is an excess of authority and this is the invalidation of democracy in Israel. I call on you From here, don’t you dare to invalidate basic laws – the responsibility is on you. I want to strengthen my friend MK Ohana for the right things that had to be said.’

“Laws of the Knesset are laws of the people, especially laws that fall under the category of fundamental laws,” Smotrich added. “No one has the authority to cancel the laws of the people, to silence the people, to silence your voice. You voted right and you will get right. We all owe you a big thank you for the broad support, and we will continue to work for a Jewish and democratic state, for our dear IDF soldiers, for our country. The nation of Israel lives.”

Minister Galit Distel-Atbarian: “We are tonight at the beginning of a regime coup. The real coup of the hegemony in the judicial system. We see how they are destroying institution after institution here. They are destroying the brotherhood of the fighters, they are destroying what we have built together.. Gali Behara Miara I I want you to know one thing: your one vote is not worth one centimeter more than mine. If you think you will throw away the votes of 2.5 million citizens, you are wrong. I want to assure you of one thing, the 64 members of the coalition who follow the leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu and the Minister of Justice Yariv Levin, we will never break. We will stand here until we bring freedom and democracy to the people of Israel.”

MK Boaz Bismut: “I heard the chants from here and it brings me back to the eve of the elections when we committed the great sin – we won the elections. I want to tell you that I am sitting here today on behalf of all of you. You chose us, you gave us the power. We ask for the power again. Netanyahu reached out for talks, but Gantz rejected it. Every step we proposed was answered with no. The truth is Lapid Gantz are the judges of the protest, they are afraid that the protest will be directed at them as well. Remember well: the legal reform is our declaration of freedom. In recent decades, Knesset members have seen how Aharon Barak and his successors gnaw away at the Knesset. They treat the Knesset as a place of crime and not as a place of governance. Tonight I came to tell you everything is open and clear, we learned very well that what is decisive is the identity of the judges and therefore we will not give up and will work to appoint a balanced committee. The time has come for the Supreme Court to have judges who represent all sections of the people.”

The rally was organized by Meta Takuma 2023 together with other right-wing organizations, who called on the High Court “not to deviate from the judicial activism that it attributes so much to itself. It is impossible in a democratic country for the Supreme Court to discuss basic laws, after over the years they explained to us that the entire constitutional revolution of Aharon Barak is based on the basic law of human dignity and freedom.”

The block map:

Eliezer Kaplan St. and Zussman St. in the section between Derech Rupin St. (Clock Square) and Rabin St. Rabin St. in the section between Lorach St. and Rothschild St. Sixth Hanasi St. in the section between Shaari Mishpat intersection and Rabin St. Rothschild Street in the section between Yitzhak Rabin Boulevard and the Knesset building. Gaza Street in the section between Hazaz Street and Matodla.

Even earlier, Berla Crombie, one of the heads of Takuma 2023 headquarters commented that in an ideal situation he would be happy to see Gantz and Lapid as part of a broad government that would unite the rift in the nation.

Crombie wrote: “Dear friends, let’s not get confused: the Israeli public went to vote, and elected a right-wing government of 64 mandates that asked and is asking to return the power and the right to decide to the people.

“It is important for the Supreme Court to understand that the Israeli public wants to live in a democracy, and that even in the case where there are disagreements, they should be clarified through ballots or public discourse and not through an appointed committee that takes power away from the citizens.”

In conclusion, he added that “it is good that a change in the status of the court, and in its relations with the authorities, will be made with the broadest possible agreement among all sections of the people. This is what I believe. But at the same time, I believe that the Knesset has full legitimacy to exercise its mandate on behalf of an elected official, and that the Supreme Court does not have Authority to depose directly or indirectly a prime minister elected by the people. This is what we are protesting today. The people are the sovereign.”

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