Smutritz presented the state budget: “The big challenge – to maintain the rate of construction”

by time news

Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich Today (Tuesday) presented the state budget and the economic plan for the next two years, after on Friday the government approved the state budget and the Law of Arrangements for 2023-2024. Smotrich referred to the measures that will be taken against the cost of living and the changes that will apply in the fields of security, education, construction, food and more.

Despite the controversies: the government approved the state budget

At the beginning of his remarks, Smotrich said: “On Friday, the government passed a budget and regulations law. It was hard work. When we entered the process of building the budget process, we saw the challenge of inflation, the wage challenge. We have been without a wage agreement in the public sector for four years. Inflation requires us not to breach the frameworks. The greatest service to the citizens of Israel is to fight inflation and bring it below the target range. Another challenge is the coalition agreements from which the best elements for the economy must be selected. We managed to meet the target well, we did not breach the framework.”

“The ministers have shown responsibility. We have set several goals in the field of regulation and bureaucracy. I am convinced that we will overcome the hurdle of the Knesset. The Israel Police and the Israel Defense Forces are receiving an increase that has not existed since the establishment of the state. Policemen are added, a national guard is maintained, the reserve system is increased. As above in the Shin Bet and the fire brigade. The health system was also presented as an important target,” he added.

Smotrich further stated that “We invest a lot in the integration of populations in the employment market. We invest in growth engines for factories and hi-tech. The government’s role is not to interfere with the market and to provide it with the infrastructure. Israeli agriculture must undergo a change mainly to meet the needs of Israeli society. There is We have something to teach and learn from the world.”

Regarding the field of security, the minister said: “We reached a very good multi-year plan with the army. The army receives the answer to the existence and evaluations, also for the third circle. We reach good salary models and in mediation pensions. We reach a historic agreement. These amounts are good for security and the army, for the economy.” .

On the subject of education, Smotrich mentioned the credit points for working parents that will be extended up to the age of 18, and announced that day care centers will not become more expensive despite the signing of the decree that allows for price increases. “The aspiration is that it will be this year. We want to benefit everyone and ease the cost of living. Day care centers will not be more expensive for parents by one shekel, we will absorb the costs. We will introduce more tariffs that will be canceled like air conditioners,” he said.

He then referred to the food market and the rise in prices, saying: “I have friends with capital, I am committed to the citizens. We are establishing an implementation team that will formulate recommendations. I do not believe that there will be a single Knesset member who would dare to raise his hand against such reforms and prevent us from lowering the cost of living.”

Smotrich also said that “there is support from the authorities in the property tax fund. I am convinced that we will be able to pass it in the Knesset. Agreements of tens of billions have been drawn up. Some of these funds are in health, in Batal. They are true and right. After we approved the budget ceilings, we will now do precision work with the ministries – we will not innovate anything. I had a tension between the desire for economic truth and the need to have ministers with policies. We have reached the right balance.”

Regarding the public transportation reform of Transportation Minister Miri Regev, he said: “I do not believe in the professional level of the transportation minister’s reform, it was possible to divert the budget, but I stand behind it 100 percent. When there is good public transportation, most of Israel’s citizens will travel on it. It’s true for the economy and the economy, but it’s a process.”

“Today, seven international companies entered the tender for urban transport routes (NTA). They want to do it well, we will invest huge sums,” the minister added.

Smutritz also said: “We are a young country and we haven’t accumulated enough income. Most of the countries we compare to are old and have capital. We need to invest. Within a decade and with good work – we can lead the State of Israel in a good direction. Our contribution to the workers is not to fuel inflation “.

At the end, he addressed the media and said: “We are a kind of partners. Everyone who sits here wants the best of Israel. It’s okay to have criticism. Put aside political debates, I ask that you back me up. The DNA of my voters is more ideological, which allows me not to be Click. Give us the tailwind.”

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