Snake-eating insect avoids climbing long stairs

by time news

A man in military exhaustion rests near the ladder.

screenshot: skin test

Despite being one of the best moments in video game history, Speed ​​Runners have found a way to avoid the queue of climbing the much-desired ladder. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater definitely. What a thrill.

Brazilian sprinter Abel shared a video this morning showing how complex sequential inputs can be used to teleport a snake on a reconfigured ladder. Metal Gear Solid 3 Without any involvement in climbing. This newly innovative technologyfood zip“Back Abel discovered many years ago that it made it possible to avoid boss fights at the time.

Shortly after uploading today’s video, Abel was delivered Step by step instructions How to recreate the skip. To me, this is Greek, but if done correctly, the Snake D-Pose and Camera shooter will save a lot of time compared to climbing the ladder the way Hideo Kojima would like.

However, Apel notes that this is currently only useful in a number of categories Metal Gear Solid 3 Turn on speed vs. uninterrupted play because the error is very random. It can also crash your game, so be careful when trying this out for yourself.

First made on a simulator, co solid metal hardware Speedrunner shows that it can also skip the ladder of Hau5test On real PlayStation 3 devices. He. She Hard reset is not even required As stated in the instructions, this will be possible for the efforts of the single band of world records.

I’ve been playing for a while Metal Gear Solid 3But the line of snakes that climbs up the unusually high ladder is its endmoment of resonance. It comes right after one of the game’s strange bosses is defeated, giving you a quiet moment to think about the snake’s mission so far. And who can forget Cynthia HarrellBombastic in Ajabella delivery eat snakes The theme song that breaks the monotony? Just slips.

Running fast is fun. when severe Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Fans consider climbing the ladder to be one of their defining artistic moments, and everyone looking for ways to finish the game as fast as possible has long viewed the same sequence as a frustrating barrier between them and their goals. As someone who didn’t join either camp, I’m happy to be with the rider.

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