SNCF strike: 2 TGV out of 3, 1 TER out of 2… traffic forecasts for this Wednesday February 8

by time news

Traffic should still be difficult on the rails this Wednesday, the day after a third day of action against the government’s project after those of January 19 and 31. The CGT railwaymen and Sud Rail had indeed voted on February 1 for the continuation of the movement of Tuesday for one more day.

SNCF is therefore once again announcing disruptions on the TGV, TER, Transilien and Intercités networks and recommends that travelers cancel or postpone their planned trips that day. We take stock.

Two TGV maintained out of three

On the high-speed network and Ouigo side, two out of three trains will be maintained on average. In detail, 2 out of 3 trains will run on the North axisthe traffic will be almost normal on the east axis1 out of 2 trains will run on the Atlantic axis3 trains out of 5 on the southeast axis. Two out of three trains will be in circulation for the Ouigoand 3 out of 5 trains will be able to leave from province to province.

TER and Intercities

Pour regional trainsthe SNCF announces that one out of two trains will be in circulation.

Pour day Intercity also, nearly one out of two trains will leave.

On the other hand, none Night intercity will not circulate.


Re Eurostar trains, the traffic will be normal. At the house of Thalys trains, it will be “slightly disturbed”. On the other hand, only three trains Lyria out of five will be available. The other international connections will have 4 out of 5 trains on average.

Jumping over

A train of the R-line out of five will circulate, with a cut between Melun and Montereau via Héricy. A train of line N out of two will leave. two trains R, J and L lines out of three will roll. Three out of four trains will run for the P and U lines. The service will be normal on the K-line.

Les tramways T4, T11 et T13 will drive normally.

Finally, two out of three trains will run on and RER E. Every other train on RER C and 2 out of 5 trains on line D.

Whether they have reserved a seat in a TGV, a TER or an Intercités, travelers whose train is canceled will be informed by email or SMS this Tuesday, specifies the company.

Concerning Saturday, February 11, the four representative unions of the SNCF (CGT Cheminots, CFDT Cheminots, SUD Rail, Unsa Ferroviaire) decided to simply call for a demonstration and not a strike, to the great relief of the inhabitants of zones A and B whose winter holidays start on that day.

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