SNCF unions plan a renewable strike after the holidays

by time news

All the representative unions of the SNCF called to demonstrate on Saturday but without going on strike. STEPHANE MAHE / REUTERS

The CGT-Cheminots and the UNSA-Ferroviaire want to “intensify” the opposition movement to the pension reform.

The CGT-Cheminots called on Friday to “amplify the demonstrations“Against the pension reform but also to”activate other levers available to employees“, evoking a renewable strike from March 7. Without coming forward on a precise date, the UNSA-Ferroviaire also declares that it is considering a renewable strike “a March». «It will be necessary to intensify the movement when the school holidays return“, entrusts to the Figaro Didier Mathis, General Secretary of UNSA-Ferroviaire.

«The demonstrations are massive, union unity is very broad. The ingredients of a victory are therefore united», Rejoiced the CGT-Cheminots in a press release, on the eve of a new day of interprofessional demonstration on Saturday. But the number one union among railway workers still fears a forced passage from the government and calls for the movement to be hardened to force it to withdraw its project. “By striking, we have real power over the economy. By renewing the strike, we are raising the pressure to the maximum“, assures the CGT-Cheminots.

Faced with the fear of railway workers of embarking on a hard movement alone, the CGT responds that “the same debates will be carried out in all branches of the CGT“. The CGT federation of railway workers therefore calls for a strike and demonstrations next Thursday, the day chosen by the confederations for a fifth interprofessional demonstration. But she also wantsdebate on each site and in each railway company in the branch the launch of a renewable strike from March 7“, i.e. just after the school holidays in zone C, which covers Île-de-France and Occitanie.

Inescapable prospect

On the UNSA-Ferroviaire side, the idea is also following its course. If we count a lot on the next two days of mobilization, February 11 and 16, the prospect of a renewable strike in March seems inevitable. In its press release, the CGT-Cheminots calls for “propose this modality to the other representative railway trade union federations».

All the unions representing the SNCF (CGT-Cheminots, Unsa-Ferroviaire, SUD-Rail and CFDT-Cheminots) called for demonstrations on Saturday but without going on strike. After two first days of mobilization well followed in the public group, the third, Tuesday, began to mark time with a rate of strikers of 25% at noon (against 36% on January 31 and 46% on the 19th).

TO HAVE ALSO – Strike against pension reform: what to expect this Saturday, February 11?

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