So far, 8,384 employers have accepted the partial payment agreement for debts with the IESS

by times news cr

2024-08-24 01:28:09

The IESS has outstanding debts of more than $2.3 billion. At the moment, 8,384 employers in arrears have accepted partial payment agreements for a total amount of $55.6 million, that is, 2.4% of the outstanding debts. Find out how to apply for payment facilities.

Through Resolution No. CD 671 of April 23, 2024, the Board of Directors of the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute (IESS) approved a new payment facility: Partial Payment Agreement (PPA) which offers from 2 to 72 months for employers to register employer obligations in arrears with the institution to get up to date.

The term will depend on the amount of the debt. For example, if the debt is up to $1,000, you can request payment facilities Up to 12 months; if the debt is up to $2,800, the facilities can be up to 24 months

Likewise, if the debt is between $2,800.01 and $9,100, it could be paid in between 30 and 66 months at most. Finally, if the debt exceeds $9,100, the maximum term of 72 months can be applied.

The obligations that enter into the Partial Payment Agreement are the glosses y credit titles until before the draw to an external lawyer.

So far, as he explained Eduardo Peña, President of the Board of Directors of the IESS8,581 Partial Payment Agreements have been signed for $55,610,472.77. There are 8,384 beneficiary employers.

This refinanced amount represents 2.4% of the $2.3 billion in outstanding debts held by the IESS.

Keys to payment facilities for debts or arrears with the IESS

1.- The debt must be in a glossary status or in credit instruments “before the draw”, that is, prior to the start of a coercive collection process.

2.- The request for a partial payment agreement must be submitted physically or online, through the IESS website.

3.- Employers who have branches in more than one province may sign a partial payment agreement in the jurisdiction of their main domicile that consolidates all the outstanding obligations.

4.-The request for a partial payment agreement must clearly and precisely indicate all outstanding obligations for which the payment facility is requested.

5.- Dividends or installments must be paid on the due dates established in the agreement’s amortization table. If they fall on a non-working day, they may be paid up until the next working day.

6.- In the event of failure to pay a fee, the IESS will charge late payment interest on the capital of that dividend.

7.- If the payment of three consecutive installments or the cancellation of the last or two dividends is not made, the entity will assume non-compliance with the agreement, and will issue the respective credit title, in case of glosses.

If there are already credit titles, the IESS will continue with the collection by coercive means, unless the employer cancels the obligation or subscribes to a Convention of Purge of MoraIn addition, late payment interest will be charged on the net capital of the unpaid dividends.

8.- Once the partial payment agreement has been breached, the debtor may only sign a Delinquency Purge Agreement, which has a term of up to 10 years, with mortgage guaranteesbanking or insurance policies.

9.- After the date of the signing of the agreement, the debtor may make partial advance payment of the obligation at any time. The IESS computer system will re-settle the debt on the payment date. (JS)

Source: LA HORA newspaper

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