so the recovery is at risk »-

by time news

Confindustria is monitoring with concern the cyclical escalation of the prices of the main commodities, including the price of electricity which is up by more than 80% compared to January of this year, that of natural gas on which the price of electricity depends. electricity increased by 100% and finally the price of Co2 increased by over 70%. To sound the alarm on president of Confindustria Carlo Bonomi in a video message to the assembly of Elettricit Futura, the main trade association that brings together over 500 companies. These market tensions – he adds – must be included in their factor of origin and managed accordingly, they must not make us retreat in the sustainability objectives, nor jeopardize the country’s production momentum, especially in this delicate phase of recovery.

Decarbonization, 100 billion are needed

The new objectives of the Fit for 55 package related to the electricity sector imply – stated the president of Confindustria – of triple in the next ten years the capacity of photovoltaic production and more than double that wind power. These are new investments for over 70 billion, to which another 30 billion must be added for the adaptation of the new network infrastructures. In the coming months Confindustria will present a proposed reform to the government, for an economically efficient decarbonization process aware of the social impacts. But there is an obstacle to decarbonization called Nimby (Not in my back yard) that is Not in my backyard, that is the opposition by a local community to the realization of public works that are assumed to have a significant impact.

The Nimby costs 600 million a year

However, the commitment of companies will not be sufficient, if we are not able to make society understand the message that pursuing decarbonisation also means accepting the developmentin the territories of plants and infrastructures, said the number one of the industrialists, underlining that to favor these processes the government has made progress with the Simplification Dl, but it is necessary to develop a common action to remove the Nimby effect on the cultural level that still affects many communities and administrations. In fact, explained Bonomi, the contradictions between the corality with which technologies are invoked to reduce emissions and the rejection of the same when they are built in the vicinity of their own territory remain widespread. Contradictions which, according to our estimates, weigh on the Italian bill for over 600 million euros a year.

The industrial policy strategy

As regards the industrial dimension of decarbonisation policies, it is not just a question of developing a new efficient electricity market, but also of developing a industrial policy strategy to promote the relaunch and conversion of the technological and manufacturing chains involved. From the project that Confindustria is developing, it is emerging that in many key technologies for decarbonisation, Italy has an important gap in production capacity.

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