Soaked oats in water? 5 REAL benefits of eating RAW OATS once a day

by time news

Consume oats soaked in water is one of the best tips to avoid abdominal inflammation. Just as you read it! If you have never done it, discover what are the 5 real benefits of eat raw oats once a day, I’m sure that once you try it you will love the results on your figure.

The avena It is one of the best cereals that we can consume, especially if you are taking care of your figure, because being rich in fiber and vegetable proteins its intake produces satiety. In addition, we can prepare it with yogurt, milk, cooked or even soaked in water.

What are the properties of oats?

According to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), oats are a cereal of the grass familywhose seeds are rich in protein, vitamin E and B complex such as thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and folic acid, phytic acid, fiber, beta-glucans, zinc, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, unsaturated fats or ‘good fats’. In addition, it has a great source of antioxidants.

¿Soaked oats in water? 5 real benefits of eating raw oats once a day / Photo: iStock

Why soak oats?

Al soak oats in water or almond milk before consuming it facilitates digestionsince when it softens it becomes more digestible for our digestive system because the liquid breaks the soluble fiber from oats, reducing the time spent in intestinal transit.

Besides, soak oats in water increases the absorption of nutrients. Although oats contain phytic acida compound that hinders the absorption of other nutrients such as iron or zinc, but when soak the oats an enzyme called phytase is activated, which breaks down phytic acid, improving the absorption of nutrients in the body.

A study published in the Nutrition Reviews, suggests that eat oatmeal soaked in water an hour before eating can help lower blood glucose levels significantly, since by slowly absorbing food it prevents the body from secreting too much insulin in short periods of time, although it must be clarified that it is not a miracle food.

¿Soaked oats in water? 5 real benefits of eating raw oats once a day / Photo: iStock

Benefits of eating raw oats

1. Consume raw oats during the morning it will help you increase your muscle mass in case of exercising, since it is a good source of carbohydrates and proteins that your body will need after training.

2. The oats are rich in beta glucana compound that can reduce levels of blood cholesterol between 5 and 10 percent. According to the National Library of the United States, for each gram of soluble fiber consumed, total cholesterol decreases by around 1.42 mg/dL and LDL by around 1.23 mg/dL.

3. Being rich in fiber, the raw or water-soaked oats helps regulate digestion combat constipation.

¿Soaked oats in water? 5 real benefits of eating raw oats once a day / Photo: iStock

4. The raw oats has a satiating effect because the viscosity of oats interferes with the process of the small intestine to reduce digestion and absorption of nutrientswhich produces a Feeling full for more time to control your weight

5. Intake of raw oats can lower blood pressure in people with hypertension.

How to soak oats?

  • At night, place half a cup of oatmeal in a glass, fill it with water (you can use almond milk), add two tablespoons of Greek yogurt, stir, cover and put in the refrigerator.
  • Let stand for 10 hours.
  • Sweeten with strawberries, berries, half a tablespoon of honey and ready to eat.

Soaked oats in water? 5 real benefits of eating raw oats once a day / Photo: iStock

The oats soaked in water It provides us with the energy that we will need throughout the day, since it has an energy value between 300 and 400 kcal per 100 gr, for which It is recommended to consume three to four tablespoons.

now that you know What are the benefits of consuming oats soaked in water?do not hesitate to incorporate it into your feeding.

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