Social Democrats: Ulf Kristersson should apologize for refugee crisis in 2015

by time news

Social Democrats Accuse Prime Minister of Dodging Responsibility for Refugee Crisis

The Social Democrats have accused Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson of evading responsibility for the refugee crisis in 2015. The party’s secretary, Tobias Baudin, stated that Kristersson should apologize for the previous migration policy and be self-critical.

According to Baudin, when the Social Democrats took over power in 2014, they had to deal with the most generous and unregulated migration legislation in the EU. He also pointed out that it was during Fredrik Reinfeldt’s years as Prime Minister from 2006 to 2014 that immigration to Sweden increased at a rapid pace, leading to the segregation seen in the country today.

Baudin also blamed the Moderate-led governments for contributing to the current situation, citing examples such as labor immigration and the removal of the labor market test in 2008.

The party’s migration policy spokesperson, Anders Ygeman, added that Kristersson and the Moderates had shirked their responsibility for the previous migration policy. Ygeman stated that Kristersson should apologize and be self-critical.

In response to the accusations, Migration Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard of the Moderate Party stated that the Social Democrats were falsifying history. She also pointed out that the Social Democrats relaxed provisions on family reunification and introduced “the most comprehensive humanitarian protection basis ever.”

Stenergard further emphasized that the Moderate Party acknowledges its responsibility for past immigration policies and has since changed its stance on the matter.

The debate between the parties comes as Sweden continues to grapple with the challenges of immigration. Both the Social Democrats and the Moderate Party have outlined the need for a tighter immigration policy for the foreseeable future.

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