Social Entrepreneurship: If You Don’t Know What It Is, You’ll Know It Now!

by time news

Social entrepreneurship is a model that acts directly on sustainable, environmental causes that affect the community.

Its focus seeks to bring long-term solutions, acting at the root of social problems and promoting a change in people’s quality of life.

This becomes possible by acting as a legal organization, attracting investments and partnerships for important agendas.

Understand how this business format works and the importance of developing it in the social environment.

Read also: Social Entrepreneurship: A Transforming Power in Brazil

What is social entrepreneurship?

Social entrepreneurship is an approach that combines business management with a commitment to helping humanitarian and environmental causes.

He focuses on creating solutions to complex social problems, often using sustainable models.

Unlike traditional entrepreneurship, which focuses on creating companies that generate profits, the social category aims to generate positive social impact.

To this end, it seeks to identify obstacles in the environment where it operates and propose business alternatives that address this.

Social entrepreneurs typically work in areas such as:

  • health;
  • education;
  • environment;
  • community development;
  • social equality.

It is the model present in non-profit organizations, social enterprises or projects that seek to solve specific problems.

In addition, social entrepreneurship also focuses on creating lasting systemic change.

Read also: Changes Bring Difficulty to Entrepreneurship in Brazil

How important is social entrepreneurship?

Social entrepreneurship is essential to unite business management and collective solutions to important sustainability and diversity guidelines.

This model seeks to solve problems that affect people in their communities, providing innovative solutions, while contributing to improving the quality of life and well-being of the population.

In addition, it also accompanies business elements, being a catalyst for innovation, promoting creative and community resolutions to resolve social and environmental issues.

Nowadays, discussions about sustainable development and responsibility are becoming more and more important in society.

For this reason, it is important for companies to be able to attract investment while generating profits in the local and global economy.

Also read: How Can Your Business Help The Environment Today?

How does social entrepreneurship work?

Social entrepreneurship works similarly to the traditional model, with the difference that, rather than just focusing on making a profit, it also seeks to solve community and environmental problems.

In this case, its management seeks to unite the production or provision of services with the analysis of global social problems.

In this way, you can work with innovative solutions, create technologies and focus on the development of your goods in a sustainable way.

In practice, the creation of the company already occurs with the intention of implementing alternatives to a specific obstacle.

Even if it generates profits, the company’s objective is to improve the quality of community life, promote equality and minimize environmental impacts.

For this, it also works with specific evaluation metrics, such as reducing carbon emissions, hiring teams with diversity and monthly voluntary practices, for example.

Social entrepreneurship also creates long-term systemic changes, reaching the roots of problems, often in partnership with government institutions and regulatory sectors.

Read also: Changes Bring Difficulty to Entrepreneurship in Brazil

What are the main characteristics of social entrepreneurship?

Social entrepreneurship has some distinct characteristics that differentiate it from the traditional model, namely:

  • Focus on problem solving;
  • Innovative approaches;
  • Financial sustainability;
  • Social impact metrics;
  • Collaboration between organizations and communities;
  • Long term change.

Not all companies with sustainable business management need to present these characteristics, but they are the most common for this segment.

In addition, they also tend to act on a voluntary basis, with few effective hires and less focus on generating profit.

Some companies are starting to adopt social entrepreneurship as part of their pillars. In this case, it is necessary to strike a balance between seeking revenue and community contributions.

What is the difference between social and traditional entrepreneurship?

The main difference between social and traditional entrepreneurship is the institution’s mission, since the sustainable model focuses on solving problems, while the conventional one seeks to generate profit.

Traditional entrepreneurship is defined by the intention to be a profit-only business. In this case, they seek to identify good market opportunities and create products that meet customer consumption needs.

On the other hand, the social model aims to create innovative and sustainable solutions to solve popular and environmental problems.

Thus, they identify the basic needs of the community, meeting this demand in search of positive changes.

What are the main elements of social entrepreneurship?

To develop social entrepreneurship, it is important to put some elements into practice on a daily basis. Check out the main ones:

identify opportunities

This business management must prioritize the identification of opportunities to have a positive action in the community.

In addition to evaluating the problems in the community environment, it is also important to know the most favorable moments to develop the idea.

In this way, the returns will be more positive, reaching the people and the intended guidelines.


Still, part of social entrepreneurship is the ability to diagnose obstacles and propose solutions based on this analysis.

Like other types of organization, it is important to have a solid pillar to build solutions and ways of acting. The manager also needs to know how his work is being perceived in the community.

Therefore, it is important to develop accurate diagnoses, to know where and how to operate.

Development of new reality

The focus of social entrepreneurship does not only seek to impact the population in the present, but also in the future.

For this reason, one of the items present in this management is the development of a new reality, changing the social and environmental environment.

Thus, it will have concrete transformations in the long term, acting at the root of the initial problem.

What are the main examples of social entrepreneurship?

Get to know some examples of social entrepreneurship in Brazil and how they work:


The Support Group for Children and Adolescents with Cancer (GRAAC) is a non-profit organization that provides free, quality treatment for children and adolescents with cancer.

Founded in 1991, it works with a multidisciplinary team that includes doctors, nurses, psychologists and social workers, and has a wide network of volunteers and donors.


ASID, or Social Action for Equality of Differences, is a non-profit organization that works to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities by promoting social inclusion and accessibility.

This institution operates on several fronts, from the adaptation of physical spaces to professional training and entrepreneurship.

The organization seeks to promote a change of culture in relation to people with disabilities, encouraging society to recognize and value their skills and potential.

Generating Hawks

Gerando Falcões is also a non-profit organization that promotes the social development of vulnerable communities.

In this way, it offers opportunities from sports and culture to professional training, encouraging systemic change in people living in peripheral communities.

When to invest in social entrepreneurship?

Social entrepreneurship is an important business alternative for those who want to make a difference in the environment where they live.

When identifying a community or environmental problem, creating a company with this focus helps in attracting partnerships and investments, creating solid and lasting solutions.

Therefore, it is worth considering this model to act in a certain niche in a more organized and positive way.

Make a meaningful difference with a social organization. Open your company with Facilite and find it easier to create solutions.

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Original from Facilite

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