Social housing: the expulsion of families of delinquents, mentioned by Darmanin, decried in his camp

by time news

The security line of the Minister of the Interior is going badly…including within his own camp. Last week, Gérald Darmanin had proposed to expel families of delinquents from their social housing. A measure “neither constitutional”, nor “desirable”, judged this Saturday the president of the Commission of the laws in the Assembly, Sacha Houlié.

“The penalties are individual: we are punished for what we have done and we do not need to extend penalties to the family or to people who are third parties who are not responsible for the offense. which was committed”, recalled the deputy of the presidential majority on France 2. “I think that it is not constitutional and moreover, it is not desirable”, he added.

The Minister of the Interior explained last week that he wanted to “generalize the expulsion from social housing of families” of delinquents, specifying that it was necessary to exclude from this sanction families in difficulty such as single-parent families. “There are families who live off theft, drug trafficking. (…) We cannot continue to provide social housing to these people. The law authorizes me to do so, I asked the prefects to systematize it, ”he defended.

“Don’t put everyone in the same bag”

Questioned moreover on the remarks of the minister, who had indicated that he wanted to make “impossible” the life of foreigners subject to an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF), the deputy considered that “if we are talking about foreigners who commit acts of delinquency, yes for them, it is necessary to be able to make their life impossible, to expel them”.

But, he argued, “if we are talking about the workers, that is to say those who serve you in restaurants, those who are doctors, those who are nurses, engineers, well I think that for these people who have renewals of titles – which can be (…) difficult and which can give rise to obligations to leave the territory -, there, we rot the life of people who render service to the French nation, who are often integrated.

“And so I say, let’s not put everyone in the same bag, let’s sort out those who deserve to be expelled and those who are doing a service to the French nation by fulfilling tasks that today no one wants to fulfill. , in the trades in tension”, continued Sacha Houlié, calling, “for those”, to make their life “rather easier”.

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