“Social Media Influences Opinions”. Guzzanti Between Politics and Technology

by time news

“This is not the best time for freedom of thought. We have learned to internalize censorship. In all contexts”. These are the words of Sabina Guzzanti, the actress, impersonator and author who tomorrow evening (9 pm) will be at the Teatro Romano in Fiesole with the new show ‘Liberidì, Liberidà’, produced and distributed by ‘Savà Produzioni Creative’. Guzzanti brings to the stage, with her unmistakable style, a stand-up comedy about our troubled present: a monologue between politics, work and technology accompanied by the ironic streak that distinguishes the actress’s satire, inviting spectators to reflect on what it means to be truly free in an era of change and uncertainty.

Sabina, what does it mean to be free today?

“A question with a thousand implications. Freedom of thought is fundamental. Defending independent thought is even more important and I try to do so by acting as a cultural mediator…”

Can you explain better?

“I bring on stage the (imaginary) dialogues with Meloni and Schlein: I speak on equal terms with the Prime Minister and the opposition leader and this is already strange and exciting because having the possibility of interacting with the institutions, of counting for something, in these times is already a nice little bit of freedom. If nothing else, compared to the past, in the midst of this horror, I have the possibility of interacting with more women”.

An all-political stand-up?

“No, we will also talk about important issues such as technological development in the hands of four irresponsible fanatics and, more generally, how to maintain some form of dignity in the twenty-first century.”

Do social media limit freedom?

“Algorithms are sneaky, there is no culture of how they work. They are designed to push us only to create controversy, algorithms designed to influence public opinion. The saddest thing, however, is that the media often follow social media.”

Compared to the past, is it more ‘hard’ to make satire today?

“Freedom of expression has been limited for forty years. So it’s as hard today as it was yesterday. Compared to the past, however, I note a decrease in the opportunities and people who do satire. Is it because censorship is looming?”

She knows her well…

“Modestly, I have quite a track record of censorship (laughs, ed.). And if before censorship was a sort of medal, a prize, now being censored is no longer news. And often censorship is suffered in silence. Not only in the entertainment world”.

Will he return to Rai?

“I was fired more than twenty years ago, I don’t think I can be called back at this time. But on TV I will return to my friends at ‘Propaganda Live’ on La7”.

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