Social partners conclude three national agreements in five months

by time news

2023-06-28 12:00:20

Full card for the social partners. Tuesday, June 27, the authorities of the CFE-CGC decided to sign the national interprofessional agreement on the branch accidents at work-occupational diseases. The central management was the last organization involved in the development of this text to formalize its position. It is on the same line as the three employers’ movements and the four other unions which had participated in the work – completed during the night of May 15 to 16.

Such unanimity is rare in this type of exercise, the CGT often refusing to affix its initials even if it is very involved in collective reflection. This time, the confederation led by Sophie Binet has given its imprimatur because it believes, like the seven other signatories, that the agreement in question can improve the system of compensation for victims of illnesses or accidents related to their professional activity (increased resources for prevention, consolidation of powers vested in workers’ and employers’ representatives, etc.).

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Towards a compromise between social partners on the occupational accidents-occupational diseases branch

This national interprofessional agreement also holds the attention because it is added to two texts of the same type, finalized a few weeks apart. One, dated February 10, concerns the “value sharing” and promotes mechanisms (profit-sharing, participation, etc.) which aim to increase the remuneration of employees – particularly in small and medium-sized enterprises. It was endorsed by all of the employers and by four out of five unions (the CGT having said no).

The other “deal”, tied up on April 11, aims to encourage good practices in terms of ecological transition. Again, all the employer movements validated it, while only two confederations (CFDT and CFTC) made an identical choice (the CFE-CGC, the CGT and FO opting for the refusal).

Patronage in unison

The protagonists are very logically delighted with this succession of national interprofessional agreements. “It highlights the vitality of social dialogue, on themes chosen by the actors present or proposed by the executive but in close connection with our demands”, confides Marylise Léon, the new general secretary of the CFDT. What matters in the first place, according to her, “it’s the content” : “I am thinking in particular of the text on value sharing, which provides for real progress for people employed in SMEs, she specifies. The diversity of the topics covered also shows that employee and employer organizations can be a source of proposals on crucial issues for workers. »

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