Social Prosperity issues a resolution that regulates Renta Joven, the evolution of Jóvenes en Acción

by time news
  • The new transfer program will be articulated with the law on free higher education, and will provide incentives for the support of students.
  • Director of Social Prosperity, Laura Sarabia, explained that the program will strengthen additional services to the delivery of monetary incentives.

Bogotá, DC, February 7, 2024. The Renta Joven program was regulated through resolution 00137 to begin operating in 2024 and will be integrated into the transfer system created by the National Development Plan Colombia World Power of Life.

This Social Prosperity program is the result of the evolution of Jóvenes en Acción and will benefit young people between 14 and 28 years old who are enrolled in Higher Education Institutions (IES), SENA and Higher Normal Schools.

Renta Joven responds to the challenges of social and environmental justice inherent to the social policy of the National Government, by allocating additional efforts to address the needs and challenges of the country’s youth, as well as contributing significantly to the guarantee of rights, well-being and dignification of the life path of youth.

This transformation is harmonized with the National Government’s free policy and presents adjustments in entry, permanence and exit criteria. It also strengthens its lines of attention by managing opportunities for young people as a bid to more forcefully promote the social mobility and economic inclusion of youth, in addition to delivering a monetary transfer.

For the government, education is a fundamental factor to overcome poverty. With Renta Joven, current social services will be strengthened and additional strategies will be implemented to provide monetary incentives, focused on improving the professional profile and well-being conditions of young people. Alternatives for employment, entrepreneurship and postgraduate education, prevention and promotion campaigns for mental health and volunteering will be addressed, as a contribution of youth to strengthening the Colombian social fabric.

The program will also expand coverage to young people enrolled in Higher Normal Schools, as an alternative to strengthen education policies and alternatives for social mobility of the population in rural areas.

Social Prosperity designed a transition strategy from the Jóvenes en Acción program to the Renta Joven intervention line, for beneficiaries who are part of the program until December 31, 2023 and meet the income requirements for 2024.

Through two components, the first focused on Conditional Monetary Transfers for Higher Education and the second focused on social promotion and comprehensive well-being for youth, the program will guarantee a comprehensive support process. This includes the delivery of monetary incentives for compliance with conditionalities in higher education and the promotion of rights for the well-being of the population.

The duration of the support for the young participant of the Renta Joven program will be validated in phases, as follows:

  • PHASE 1- Permanence in the program will be determined by the duration of the training level for which you received registration and whose term is established by the competent authorities.
  • PHASE 2-. Participants who complete their training process in higher education and complementary training will have one (1) calendar year after completion to link to the different strategies within the line of social mobility of the social promotion and comprehensive well-being component for youth. .

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