Speaking during an oral question session at the House of Advisors, Mr. Lekjaa said that since the launch of this project until this month of July, 17.45 billion dirhams have been transferred according to the established schedule.
In this regard, he specified that the amount transferred in July amounted to 2.04 billion dirhams and that the number of beneficiary families reached 3.8 million.
The minister also stressed that the project of generalizing social protection, launched by HM King Mohammed VI, constitutes a “social revolution”, noting that the government “has succeeded in implementing this project according to the agenda set by the framework law”.
At the same time, Mr. Lekjaa noted that the sustainability of this major project is “one of the first priorities in the budgetary programming”, explaining that framework law No. 09-21 “had defined the fundamental principles of financing, in particular the revision of current social programs, which exceed 90 programs and cost significant sums”.
Among the measures taken to ensure the sustainability of financing, the minister cited the introduction of the social solidarity contribution and the revenue from withholding taxes.
According to him, the review of social programs, the sustainability of the social solidarity contribution and tax and discharge contributions would ensure healthy financing of the social protection project.
2024-09-08 11:18:15