Social Security: Aid per child received by parents in the Basque Country

by time news

2023-05-08 00:23:54

Monday, May 8, 2023, 00:23

If you are a father, mother or you are going to have a child, you are surely interested in knowing the range of public aid (whether monetary or assistance) to which you could have access this year. These are all that are in force in 2023:

Monthly check of 200 euros

The Basque Government announced in summer the implementation of a series of measures to encourage birth rates, which will include as of January (although retroactively because the regulations have not yet been approved) the delivery of a monthly check for 200 euros for each child up to the age of three. The measure also contemplates the payment of an additional benefit of 100 euros per month for each minor between three and seven years of age from the third child. In the cases of descendants with a disability equal to or greater than 33% or a situation of recognized dependency, both amounts will be doubled, up to 400 and 200 euros per month respectively. The aid is equally applicable when it comes to adoption, guardianship delegation for pre-adoptive cohabitation and guardianship of minors. In these cases, the age of the minor will not be taken into account, but the meter will start counting at the time the adoption, guardianship or guardianship is formalized, provided that the child is a minor.

On the other hand, the preliminary bill for families approved yesterday by the Council of Ministers includes an aid of 100 euros per month for each child up to three years of age, which would be charged as of January and which is yet to be determined if they can be added to the check of 200 from the Basque Executive.

Income tax deductions

In Bizkaia, as established in article 79 of the foral regulation 13/2013 of December 5, only descendants under 30 years of age on the date of accrual of the tax will count for the Income Statement, except in those cases in which that you are entitled to the deduction for disability, for which there is no age limit. In addition, those persons related to the taxpayer by reason of guardianship or foster care formalized before the public entity with competence in the matter of protection of minors will be considered as descendants.

The deductions amount to 603 euros per year for the first child, 747 euros for the second, 1,261 euros for the third, 1,490 euros for the fourth, and 1,946 euros for the fifth and successive ones. In addition, having descendants under 6 years of age will give the right to an additional 374 euros per year.

In order to benefit from these deductions, the children must have in the tax period in question annual incomes below the Minimum Interprofessional Wage. If they are part of another family unit, none of their members must exceed this same limit.

Maternity and paternity leave

Since 2019 in the Basque Country and since 2021 in the rest of Spain, paternity or maternity leave is the same for both parents: 16 weeks (24 in the case of single-parent families) that both enjoy non-transferable. The first six weeks must be covered uninterruptedly and full time while the other ten can be enjoyed at any time (although in weekly periods) within the twelve months following the birth or formalization of the adoption.

The amount of the financial benefit is 100% of the common contingency base that you receive at the time you begin to take leave, taking the previous month as a reference.

Paid leave for lactation

Breastfeeding is paid leave included in article 37.4 of the Workers’ Statute, which was amended in 2019 to allow both parents to enjoy it until the baby is nine months old. It can be taken in several ways: as paid leave of one hour each work day (or two fractions of thirty minutes), as a half-hour reduction in the working day, or by accumulating one hour of permitted absence per day to convert them into full days off. This permit will increase proportionally in cases of multiple births, adoptions or foster care. This social aid cannot be transferred, so if one of the two parents decides not to use it or not to use it completely, it is lost.

Subsidy in case of multiple birth or adoption

It is a single payment that varies depending on the number of children born in the same birth or whose adoption has been formalized. Its amount also depends on how much the Minimum Interprofessional Wage is established at each moment, since it is taken as a reference. If we have had two children, we will charge four times the SMI, which today is equivalent to 4,000 euros; if there are three, the SMI is multiplied by eight and 8,000 are charged; and if there are four or more, the aid is equivalent to twelve times the Minimum Interprofessional Salary (12,000 euros).

Benefit for large families, single parents or with disabled parents

It is a single flat-rate payment of a maximum of one thousand euros that is recognized for the birth or adoption of a child in large families (or who, for this reason, acquire said status), single parents or in which one of the parents suffers a disability equal to or greater than 65%. The benefit is not recognized in cases of foster care.

Both the right to receive it and the determination of its amount are linked to the level of family income. It is designed to complete pre-existing income, so if income does not reach a minimum (marked each year in the General State Budget) according to each family model, the payment will reach one thousand euros, but as the level of income increases. If this minimum is exceeded (and as long as they do not reach the limit indicated for each case), the amount of the subsidy will be reduced and the final allocation will be equivalent to the difference between one thousand euros and the family’s income. Here you can check the income levels that are currently marked as maximum to be able to access the aid.

Complement to childhood

With the approval of the Minimum Vital Income Law, the aid per dependent child of between 50 and 100 euros per month for each minor came into force, to which low-income families will also have access even if they do not meet the IMV requirements, cohabitation units who are within the Family Protection program or who received the old benefit for dependent children, which this supplement replaces.

The amount of the aid will be determined by the age of the minors on January 1, 2023. Specifically, they will be one hundred euros per month for each child under three years of age; 70 for each child between three and six years old; and 50 euros for those between the ages of six and 18. If you already received the old benefit for a dependent child and given that both aids are incompatible, Social Security will opt for the highest one.

Those who receive the IMV (or are processing it) will receive it without the need to make a new application. On the other hand, those who do not receive the IMV must request it through the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) proving that they are in a situation of economic vulnerability. This vulnerability will be determined taking into account the income level of 2022. Specifically, households that meet two requirements will be able to access the supplement: they do not exceed 300% of the guaranteed income of the IMV nor 150% of the net worth threshold corresponding to their type of household (number of people and age that make it up) without taking into account the habitual residence as long as it meets the characteristics established for the coexistence unit.

Bonus to hire a sitter

To encourage the contribution of domestic employees, Social Security offers a 45% bonus “for large families provided that they provide services that consist exclusively of caring for or attending to family members or those who live at the home of the itself, and that the two ascendants or the ascendant, in the case of a single-parent family, carry out a professional activity outside the home or are incapacitated for work.

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