Social security budget: this time, the RN will not vote for the motion of censure of LFI

by time news

Insubordinate France will not have to deal with the cumbersome support of the RN. And will have to do without many hoped-for supports. After having voted four motions of censure from the left, the group of RN deputies announced on Tuesday that it would not support the new LFI motion against the government and its Social Security budget. “No trivialization. Moreover, no motion of censure is tabled for this reason. And then, it doesn’t make too much sense, 49.3 had been used in the first reading, it is normal that there is one for the future, ”indicates the entourage of Marine Le Pen.

During the examination in new reading of the draft budget 2023 of the Sécu, Élisabeth Borne engaged Monday, for the fifth time, the responsibility of her government on a budgetary text in the Assembly, by drawing article 49.3 of the Constitution. The LFI deputies immediately denounced “yet another forced passage”, and announced the filing of a new motion of censure.

Socialists shouldn’t vote for it either

On the left, the socialist group does not want to sign or vote for it, and prefers to reserve a joint motion with the left-wing coalition Nupes, at the very end of the budget debates in December. The ecologists are on a close line: they do not intend to sign it either and do not yet decide on the vote of their troops. Suffice to say that the motion of censure has no chance of being voted on as it stands.

On November 4, the last motion of censure of LFI had collected only 188 votes, far from the absolute majority of 289 deputies necessary to bring down the government. She had still received the support of the RN. In the name of “the national interest”, the far-right group has thus supported left-wing censure motions four times, with a surprise effect the first time, on October 24. He had stuck to this line so far, before the new LFI motion examined a priori on Friday evening. Elisabeth Borne can sleep soundly.

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