Social Security budget: what was changed by the deputies

by time news

Posted Oct 31, 2022 11:18 AM

Elisabeth Borne promised Wednesday evening a 2023 budget for Social Security enriched by the debates in the National Assembly, while she submitted it to the procedure of 49.3. A hundred amendments were retained, in particular from the government itself and from the majority. About twenty come from the oppositions.

Here are the main measures added to the copy:


– Concerning the three medical appointments for prevention at the key ages of life provided for in the initial text of the government, these will be a place of identification of “sexist and sexual violence” (ecological amendment) and will relate to the need for physical activity, cancer prevention, women’s health or loss of autonomy.

– The possibilities of vaccination by midwives and nurses will be extended and the possibility for postgraduate students in medicine or pharmacy to administer vaccines under the supervision of an internship supervisor will be ratified.

– Experimentation for three years of screening for sickle cell disease in newborns in a systematic and compulsory manner

· Health care access

– A fourth year of internship for students in general medicine will be created, for a “priority” internship in an area under-endowed with doctors, already provides for the draft budget. The executive rejected opposition or majority amendments that called for more coercive installation conditions to combat medical deserts.

– On the other hand, an experiment will be carried out for three years: the Councils of the Order will be able to impose consultations with general practitioners or specialists in areas with difficult access to care.

– The temporary work of young caregivers will be more supervised in health establishments as well as in medical laboratories and medico-social establishments.

– Extension until the end of 2035 of the possibility for doctors and nurses to work until the age of 72 in hospitals.

– Accumulation of employment and retirement possible for health professionals in medical deserts without a six-month waiting period in the event of resumption of activity with the last employer.

– Due to the lack of on-call doctors throughout the territory on evenings and weekends, the government plans to extend the “permanent care” to nurses, midwives and dentists.

– Possibility for nurses with advanced training to take care of patients directly, on an experimental basis, for three years and in certain territories.

– For one year and in six regions to be defined, nurses could sign death certificates to speed up a sometimes very long process.

Benefits and autonomy

– Hair prostheses for people treated with chemotherapy will be included in 100% health.

– Access to complementary health insurance will be simplified for young people and the elderly, subject to conditions.

– Fight against fraud: non-pension benefits can no longer be paid from 2024 to non-European bank accounts.

– Pesticides: improved compensation for children suffering from a pathology due to occupational exposure of one of their parents and compensation extended to beneficiaries.

– Creation of a re-education and rehabilitation course for children with multiple disabilities or cerebral palsy, supported by social security.

– Ehpad: reinforcement of sanctions for establishments that do not comply with the injunctions of the supervisory authorities.

– Increase in the national “floor rate” per hour of intervention by home help services, to 23 euros in 2023, and annual review based on inflation.

– The government will submit reports on a minimum ratio of caregivers in nursing homes and on the “forgotten of Ségur”, these professionals who have not benefited from upgrades.

– The experimentation on therapeutic cannabis will be extended for one year.

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