Social Security “M.33-M.39” has the right to have a free physical examination at participating hospitals. There is a list of Czechs!

by time news

check conditions Social Security “M.33-M.39” free health checkwith participating hospitals What items are there?

The insured under section 33 and section 39 health checkAll hospitals participating in the program are free of charge. The details are as follows.

general physical examination

  • Hearing screening Finger Rub Test aged 15 years and over, checked once a year
  • breast examination by a doctor or public health personnel
    • Age 30-39 years, check every 3 years
    • Age 40-54 years, check every year
    • Age 55 years and over, check as appropriate or at risk
  • Eye examination under the supervision of an ophthalmologist
    • Age 40-54 years, check 1 time
    • Age 55 years and over, check every 1-2 years
  • Eye examination with Snellen eye Chart, age 55 years and over, 1 time per year

laboratory examination

  • CBC hematopoietic integrity
    • Age 18-54 years, check 1 time
    • Age 55-70 years, check 1 time per year
  • Urine UA aged 55 years and over, checked once a year.

blood chemistry test

  • Blood Sugar FBS
    • Age 35-54 years, check every 3 years
    • Age 55 years and over, check once a year
  • Kidney function Cr, age 55 years and over, check once a year.
  • Total Cholesterol & HDL cholesterol age 20 years and over, check every 5 years

other examinations

  • Hepatitis HBsAg. People born before 1992 can be tested 1 time.
  • Cervical cancer or Pay Smear
    • Age 30-54 years, check every 3 years
    • Age 55 years and over, check as appropriate or at risk
  • Cervical Cancer Method Via
    • Age 30-54 years, check every 5 years
    • 55 years and older, a Pap smear is recommended.
  • Blood in stool FOBT age 50 years and older, checked once a year.
  • Chest X-ray, age 15 years and over, check 1 time

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