SOCIAL SECURITY | Radical change in Social Security: from now on, this affects all taxpayers

by time news

2023-08-08 18:00:00

In Spain, Social Security is a public protection system that has several objectives that can be summarized in a general concept: guarantee the protection and well-being of the population in situations of need or vulnerability.

These contexts of vulnerability range from old age, going through illness, unemployment, maternity, paternity, disability to widowhood or orphanhood.

This system, fundamental for the Welfare State in Spain, works through a series of social protection mechanisms which may include access to health services, pensions, economic benefits, unemployment insurance, among others. These services are financed through contributions from workers and companies, as well as from the State.

In Spain, social security is managed by the General State Administration through the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations. The Social security management in Spain is the responsibility of the General Treasury of Social Security (TGSS) and the National Institute of Social Security (INSS).

The General Treasury of the Social Security is in charge of management of economic resources and the collection of contributions from workers and companies. For its part, the National Social Security Institute is in charge of managing economic benefits and granting pensions and other social security benefits.

In addition to the TGSS and the INSS, there are other agencies and entities that also involved in the management of social security in Spainsuch as the Public State Employment Service (SEPE), the Marine Social Institute (ISM) or the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services (IMSERSO), among others.

The change in Social Security that went into effect in May

Last April, the Social Security announced one of the most important changes in its system. To date, to contact the delegation of each territory, you had to contact a provincial telephone number. As of the change, all telephones will be centralized in a national one.

This anouncement, carried out by the Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations José Luis Escrivá responds to the serious criticism received by various political parties regarding the delays and difficulties of the system to make an appointment.

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Since the change has taken effectthe citizen can contact the unified telephone number and, from there, they will be referred to the corresponding service: first, an automatic system will request the contact information to manage the first available number.

After confirmation of the interested party, the system sends a locator that later allows the appointment to be changed or cancelled.

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