research: the web rejects the crackdown on smoking, 69% against new regulations

by time news

The network is against new restrictive rules on smoking and expresses it through a negative sentiment at 69%. This is what emerges from a research by SocialCom which, with the help of the Blogmeter platform, analyzed the conversations on the net in the last week for after the rumors about possible interventions by the government on the subject (WATCH THE VIDEO).

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In the period covered by the analysis, from 1 to 8 March, 16K mentions were recorded (posts and comments on public pages that mention search keywords), which generated 3 million interactions (reactions, comments and shares). The attention on the theme, in proportion to the range of dates analysed, was decidedly high. In general, the flow of negative reactions (69%) to the news of the possible ban is very large. Users reacted strongly to this possibility, expressing their opinion through a whole series of considerations, doubts and perplexities shared with posts, comments and social reactions.

In particular, it is seen as a paradox that the State, a monopolist in the sale of traditional tobacco, wants to impose new bans, which are experienced by users as a limitation of personal freedom rather than an attempt to protect collective health. In fact, the idea prevails on the web that the best way to encourage people to adopt a healthy lifestyle is the education. Stands out, then, in relation to traditional smoking, the environmental issue: among those in favor of new bans, there are those who instead argue that limiting smoking outdoors can help reduce pollution from butts.

Among the recurring opinions surveyed, it also emerges how users tend to view traditional smoke differently than e-cigs or heated tobaccofinding it hard to understand the attempt to put on the same level two categories of totally opposite products, which have a different origin and impact on health.

The online debate was mainly attended by men, 52% against 48% by women. And among the regions the most ‘active’ is Lazio, followed by Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna. As for age, young people in the 25-34 age group and seniors in the 45-54 age group prevail.

In the debate that has been unleashed after the announcement of the new regulations with which the government would like to introduce a ban on smoking, it is Matthew Salvini the politician who is most exposed on social media. While among the characters in the show, Gino Paoli is the one who most decisively expressed his opposition. SocialCom’s research underlines how the debate was amplified by the numerous news relaunched by the main information bodies, both on the online editions and on their social channels. An aspect that further stimulated the discussion, inducing many well-known figures, including politicians, public figures and sports figures, to have their say.

Just to name a few, in addition to Salvini among the politicians, Nicola Porro and Daniele Capezzone are the center-right journalists most critical of the subject. Among the personalities of the show Gino Paoli and Walter Sabatini strongly expressed their contrary opinion through social networks and dedicated interviews.

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