Socialism cares so much about the poor that it does nothing but create thousands every month

by time news

2024-09-24 14:24:00

Spain leads poverty and misery in Europe with Sánchez and the economy just goes into debt.

he Sanchez rocket It is one of the biggest lies repeated by socialist propaganda in history.

The data is so bad that even after three huge upward revisions from the past, the INE confirms that GDP has only increased by 286,048 million from 2018 to 2023, with a sky-high 70,648 million increase in public spending and a 388,727 million euro increase in debt according to the Bank of Spain, as well as an injection of European funds of 66,000 million. GDP per capita at constant prices is stagnant. The rocket.

But to confirm the failure of the rocket it is worth remembering that Spain leads the misery index in Europe. This index was created by Arthur Okun, and It has often been used by the left wing of the Democratic Party in the United States to analyze the real situation of families.. Index of Misery Institute of Juan de Mariana adds the unemployment rate to Eurostat’s official Consumer Price Index, using Okun’s original methodology.

This misery index too compared to Bloombergwhere it is published for each country, at the exact same time as the data provided by the Institute of Juan de Mariana.

well then, Spain is the country in the European Union with the highest record in the economic misery indexexceeding the community average of 60 percent. Much worse than Greece, Portugal or Italy. On the other hand, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Malta and Germany occupy the top five positions in the ranking, with levels of economic misery that are 50% lower than those of Spain.

The report from the Juan de Mariana Institute, using data from Eurostat, shows us that if we calculate the Misery Index from July from 2019 to 2024 and add the results, we see that during the period of the government of Pedro Sánchez, Spain appears in first place in the table, as the country with the greatest economic misery in Europe, up to 57 percent above the EU average figure.

At the head of Europe

This evidence links to the shocking data shown by Eurostat, with Spain leads the eurozone in the risk of poverty and social exclusion ratewhen Greece or Italy beat us in 2018.

The level of economic misery in Spain under Sánchez is more than 60 percent higher than the national average. What a rocket. Socialism is very concerned about the poor. That’s why he creates thousands of them every month.

Spain is a leader in poverty and misery with Sánchez driving the economy into debt.

Neither statistical makeup nor propaganda can hide it. If we look at the idle labor rate published by Eurostat, Spain is leading in unemployment + underemployment and job seekers. In other words, Spain and Sánchez are the champions of unemployment, beating Greece, the champion of youth unemployment and overall unemployment in Europe and the OECD. More than one in four people in our country are unemployed in the eurozone and there are more job seekers than Portugal, Greece and Italy combined.

Because it could not be otherwise, some of the government’s supporters have started to say that the misery index does not make sense when unemployment and inflation rates are added. Oh, right? It happens to be the index most used by the left and published worldwide, including, as previously indicated, Bloomberg.

More unemployment and a higher than average inflation rate in the euro area. Yes, the self-proclaimed “best government in control of inflation” is publishing CPI data that is higher than the eurozone average for eleven months, representing a cumulative inflation of 20.4% since 2019.

Juan de Mariana’s report also shows that lThe autonomous communities with less fiscal effort show better unemployment and inflation indicators. Socialism won’t tell you that though.

Spain closes 2023 with a Misery Index of 15.2 points, which is 5.7 points more than the European Union average of 9.5 points, and 5.8 points more than the Euro Area, where the average is 9.4 points. The level of economic misery in Spain under Sánchez is more than 60 percent higher than the national average. What a rocket.

Socialism is very concerned about the poor. That’s why he creates thousands of them every month.

#Socialism #cares #poor #create #thousands #month

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