Socialist Carole Delga announces that she will not sign the agreement with LFI

by time news

Even before the National Council of the PS which must be held this evening, to validate or not the project of alliance with the Insoumis for the legislative elections, the knives are already drawn. According to our information, Carole Delga, the influential president of Occitanie, publishes a “letter to the left” explaining why she will vote “against this strategy and this agreement”.

“As a woman on the left, as an elected socialist, I know what I want,” writes the elected socialist. And to decline, what it is attached to and in particular, “a society where progress is shared by all”, “a secular republic”, “a France proud of its values, its history, and its driving role in favor of European construction”, a “country which knows how to reconcile economy and ecology”.

Carole Delga adds: “I want us to be able to work with companies and those who make them live, employees and bosses, and that we give pride of place to social dialogue without which there is no progress. I want a strong public hospital, doctors installed everywhere in the territories, I want men and women who can retire at 62 at the latest, because worn out by work. I want a respected rule of law, more resources for our police and gendarmerie forces to ensure the safety of our fellow citizens. I want the sovereignty of the peoples recognized and the unfailing support of the Ukrainians in resistance against the dictatorial regime of Putin. »

“Skillful writing cannot hide our differences with Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s program”

In many respects, writes Carole Delga, “the agreement proposed by the leadership of the Socialist Party does not correspond to my values ​​and to my vision of our society. Clever writing cannot hide our differences with Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s program, a program [auquel] I do not agree (…) I hear the desire for union of the left and I share it, but I also hear the absolute need for sincerity, clarity, coherence and honesty (…) I do not believe not to radicalism but on the contrary, to voluntarism and support. I am for the union on the left, but for a clear, sincere, credible and lasting union, not for a facade union. This union exists in Occitania with left-wing policies assumed and claimed. These camera games, where we deny our ideal and our commitments for a few positions, do not correspond to my ethics or my righteousness. I will therefore support the candidates on the left who will commit themselves with clarity, in fidelity to our common values. »

And to conclude: “I will participate with courage so that tomorrow a real force of the left, generous, serious, ambitious and tolerant, will be reborn, at the service of French women and men. Free and loyal, this is my path, in opposition to the policy of Emmanuel Macron and for the refoundation of the left. “The national council in which Carole Delga will participate promises to be inflammable…

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