Socialists, environmentalists and communists will vote with LFI the motion of censure against the government

by time news

Could La Nupes stand the test of the motion of censure? According to information from Le Parisien, the four political forces making up the Nupes will carry and vote together the motion of censure which must be tabled tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. in the National Assembly. “There will indeed be a motion of censure common to the intergroup”, confirmed this Tuesday two presidents of parliamentary groups. The information was publicly confirmed this Tuesday afternoon at a press conference.

The case did not seem quite won. On the one hand because the Insoumis initially launched themselves alone, thus taking the initiative to announce the use of Article 49 paragraph 2 of the Constitution to mark their opposition to the new government, whose composition had was announced the same day. They thus intended to respond to the decision taken by Elisabeth Borne not to seek the confidence of the government following her general policy speech, which she will deliver on Wednesday July 6 in the National Assembly.

The union did not seem obvious on the left

Would socialists, ecologists and communists follow? “The decision has not yet been made. We will discuss it tomorrow in a group meeting, ”we were told again on Monday by the Socialist Party. A touch of hesitation then seemed to emerge within the parliamentary group. The former president of the socialist group Valérie Rabault thus let it be known on Monday on Public Sénat that personally, she was not in favor of it. “You always have to be careful about motions of censure,” she warned. When they are not passed, de facto, they give legitimacy to the government in place. »

This union of the left should give a little more weight to the motion of censure, which could thus be voted by approximately 150 deputies. But it has no chance of being adopted, since the motion must receive an absolute majority of seats in the Assembly to obtain the resignation of the government. “There is every chance that this motion will make Pschitt, comments for Le Parisien the constitutionalist Dominique Rousseau. The rebellious will be able to convey the message that they are the first force to really oppose government policy”. The left, it proves that it manages to unite on a subject as sensitive as the desire to overthrow a government that has not yet begun to govern.

This motion seems to suit everyone. Elisabeth Borne avoids a potential vote of confidence that is much more dangerous for her. The elected members of the National Rally will be able to content themselves with not getting up to vote for censure, thus preserving their quest for republican respectability launched since the second round of the legislative elections. Status quo at the Palais-Bourbon. Still need to know for how long.

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