Solar panels with a battery are increasingly attractive

by time news

2023-06-26 10:49:28

The enthusiasm of the French to produce their own electricity is undeniable: 277,000 households had already put solar panels on their roofs, according to figures at the end of March from Enedis, the network manager. Two and a half times more than two years ago. They were only… 3,000 in 2015.

In recent months, a new trend has emerged, with an increasing number of households choosing a photovoltaic installation equipped with a battery. The German BayWa re, number two in the sector, with approximately 20% of the French market, announces sales multiplied by ten since the beginning of the year.

«We are at a tipping point. Last year again, the majority of interested households did so out of conviction, even out of activism. This is no longer the case “, says Joan Bossard, responsible for sales in France in the residential segment.

According to him, panel systems with batteries represented 5 to 10% of sales in the first six months of the year, against 1 to 2% previously. Despite everything, France remains quite far from its neighbours. In Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium, the majority of new installations now include storage.

Rising electricity prices promote self-consumption

Several reasons explain this development. First of all, there is the general context with the taking into account of the new climate deal, which is driving the development of renewable energies. «The 75% increase in the price of electricity since 2013 in France for individuals also encourages the promotion of self-consumption”, underlines the leader of BayWa re

It is precisely because the bills were low that the French did so little. Even today, electricity costs twice as much in Germany and 50% more in Spain than in France. The fall in the cost of panels, divided by ten in ten years, and that of batteries, divided by five, all with greatly improved yields, also contributed to the growth of installations.

To meet demand, offers are multiplying

There is also another explanation, says Marion Perrin, the scientific director of Oscaro Power, the leader in self-assembly solar kits, a booming business segment with a growing number of offers. «The warning from the public authorities last fall about the risks of running out of power prompted households to equip themselves with storage solutions. We have seen this in France, but also in other developed countries,” she points out.

To meet demand, innovations are multiplying, such as that of the German EcoFlow, which has been marketing since the end of May a device to be placed on its balcony, PowerStream, presented as the first of its kind. “Four panels, an inverter, a small battery and a flat cable that runs under the window. Everything connects very easily,” explains Joël Cibil, the group’s manager for France. The set costs €2,400 and can power most household appliances, excluding heating, he says.

A longer return on investment

Even with storage, we therefore remain far from energy independence, as some people often imagine, unless the installation is oversized. Solar panels on the roof generally cover around 30% of electrical needs, or even a little more if you change your habits a little, for example by running your washing machines during the day. With additional storage, this share can rise to 50% or even 60%.

The equipment price is also higher. «Adding a battery increases the cost of an installation by 50% to around €20,000. And the return on investment often requires an additional five years compared to a project that typically pays for itself in eight to twelve years.», explains Sylvain Le Falher, the co-founder of Hello Watt, an energy services consulting company, which should offer an offer at the start of the school year.

Electric cars could be a game-changer. «They have a 50 kWh battery, compared to 5 to 10 kWh for the one reserved for residential storageunderlines the scientific director of Oscaro Power. Using this energy to meet household needs at peak times opens up new prospects for self-consumption. » Not to mention the development of a second-hand battery market.


State prosecuted for “weakness” in renewable energies

“The only way to push is through the law”, they believe. An appeal has been lodged with the Council of State by a group of experts, scientists and lawyers grouped together in the association Renewable energies for all, to compel the government and the public authorities to respect the objectives set for the development of renewable energies. In 2020, France was the only EU country to miss its targets for renewables (19% of its final energy consumption instead of the 23% planned), which should cost it some 500 million euros. It is at 20.7% in 2022.

#Solar #panels #battery #increasingly #attractive

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