Solar Power Shines in Southern Europe’s Record-Breaking Heatwaves

by time news

Solar Power Helps Meet Energy Demand in Southern Europe Amid Heatwaves

Southern Europe experienced record-breaking temperatures and unprecedented energy demand for air conditioning during recent heatwaves. However, solar power played a crucial role in averting energy shortages. Solar power generation is well-suited to cope with summer heat as the sun’s radiation is strongest during the hottest part of the day when cooling demand is at its peak.

Countries like Spain and Greece have significantly increased their solar power generation by installing more solar panels. In Spain, a record 4.5 gigawatts of solar photovoltaic capacity were added last year, resulting in July 2022 seeing the highest solar energy output to date. Data from Ember shows that solar power provided nearly 24% of Spain’s electricity in July 2023, up from 16% the previous year.

When Sicily experienced a peak in power demand on July 24, almost half of the excess demand was covered by solar power. Similarly, during Greece’s peak power demand, solar photovoltaics covered a significant portion of the total demand. Solar energy has even exceeded 100% of the extra energy needed during midday spikes in power demand in cooler countries like Belgium.

While solar power has been instrumental in meeting energy demand, it cannot entirely sustain power grids under severe strain. Some regions, like Catania in Sicily and Athens, have faced power supply cuts due to the heat and wildfires damaging electricity grids. However, higher solar output has helped to satisfy demand in these countries.

Although solar power is still a relatively small share of the power mix in most countries, it has become increasingly important in meeting energy demand during peak times. Overall, power demand has been relatively low since Europe’s energy crisis last year. High energy prices have prompted consumers and industries to use less power. However, extreme heatwaves caused a temporary increase in demand.

Scientists predict that climate change will lead to more frequent and severe heatwaves in southern Europe, further straining the energy infrastructure. To address this, industry groups, including SolarPower Europe, have called on policymakers to accelerate investment in energy grids and support projects that combine solar power with energy storage. These measures will ensure that solar power can expand rapidly enough to meet climate change goals.

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