“Solidarity still exists”… Nearly 400 people take part in the fight

by time news

2023-09-26 14:16:34

In Saint-Blaise-la-Roche (Bas-Rhin),

The Breux pond had never experienced such a large crowd, even during fishermen’s gatherings. This Tuesday morning in this little corner of the Bruche valley (Bas-Rhin), no one came for that. There are between 300 and 400 who came for her. For Lina, this 15-year-old girl who disappeared on Saturday while she was going to take the train to Strasbourg.

The path she had to take between her home, an isolated house in the Champenay forest, and the Saint-Blaise-la-Roche station, is right there. Just a stone’s throw away. His loved ones have already visited it on numerous occasions. The gendarmes too, who were warned very quickly and who launched a call for witnesses. The day before, a citizen search had already taken place, with the support of a helicopter equipped with thermal cameras. No result.

But where is the teenager? In the crowd, rather silent awaiting instructions, the darkest scenarios sometimes emerge. “We think about lots of things but I prefer to stay positive. We have to find her,” says Thomas, who came from Molsheim about thirty kilometers away, “to help.” The “night worker” did not hesitate this morning when it was time to hit the road. “I don’t know her personally but I felt concerned. If I had disappeared, I would have liked there to be so many people. »

“A very cute child, very calm, very sweet, very beautiful”

They all say roughly the same words: Lina’s story touches them. Sometimes because they live nearby and “everyone knows each other,” but not always. “I’m a mother and that definitely speaks to me,” says Sandra. “Plus, my son was with her at college,” she adds, pointing to Stan, who is therefore missing classes today. “He’s a cool person, always smiling. She sets the mood,” describes the young man, without believing in the running away theory. “She didn’t have the profile at all.” A little further on, Alan confirms. He knows Lina very well, “a very cute child, very calm, very sweet, very beautiful”. “But no, she would never have left like that and it’s normal to walk 3 or 4 km to go to the station, everyone does it here,” he assures without being able to hide a few tears. Those of a crazy and growing concern as the research turns up nothing.

It is now almost 10:30 a.m. and they officially resume. Surrounded by soldiers, a first group of around fifty people has just left. All after giving their last name, first name, town of residence and date of birth. Three others will follow, always with some instructions. “We are looking for clothes, handbags, traces of blood. If you find something, don’t touch anything. Inform a gendarme,” says Warrant Officer Heinimann, of the Molsheim brigade. With a few colleagues, he was entrusted with zone 6, near the recycling center which adjoins the station.

A group of more than 75 people set out to search zone 6. – T. Gagnepain

It’s not easy to lead such a mass of volunteers, nearly 80 for this group, often full of good intentions but disorderly. Arriving at the starting point, many set off while others wait for orders. “We will now divide in two. Those who are best equipped will go to the banks of the Bruche,” continues the soldier before specifying the clothes Lina was wearing. “A gray dress, a white down jacket and white converse.”

The starting signal is now given. Here lines form, with about two meters apart between the researchers. In the meadows still damp from the dew, it’s easy. In the brambles, much less. Those equipped with poles and hiking shoes often get stuck there. “It’s wet everywhere, there’s mud,” says a retiree after walking a small hill. Beside her, there are now only a few people left. Slowly, the whole thing came apart. Some find themselves a little lost, not really knowing where to look. “Everyone spread out… We should stay together.” But where are the organizers?, asks one of them, joined by his neighbor. It’s a bit of a mess.” A mess where others are always trying to give the best of themselves. Like this thirty-year-old who runs in search of a soldier. “You haven’t seen one?” We found a plastic bag in the Bruche, they should look. » Fortunately, someone has the number of a police officer and attaches it for verification.

The volunteers spread out, often two meters apart. – T. Gagnepain

After a good hour of fighting, some of them are now returning to the starting point. Without anything. In the “Haute-Bruche Fisherman’s House”, the Strasbourg research brigade established its headquarters. Please don’t get too close and ask questions. Why do individuals search alone? “We can’t manage everyone. » How long do operations last? “It goes at the pace of the walkers. » We have just learned that other searches are planned for the afternoon.

With this persistent fear of discovering the worst. “Yes, it’s a little scary but if we can help get answers, so much the better. The worst thing for loved ones is not knowing,” say Marie, Jennifer and Charlotte, some of whom were already there the day before. “It’s nice to see all these people, it shows that solidarity still exists,” concludes Hubert.

#Solidarity #exists.. #people #part #fight

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