Solomon’s Employed Warriors: The Truth about Slavery and Labor in Israel

by time news

2023-08-12 22:21:03
Title: Solomon’s Legacy: A Controversial Combination of Labor and Power

Date: [Include date]

Byline: Marina Raj – Vatican

In a new revelation surrounding the reign of King Solomon, it has come to light that while he did not enslave any of the people of Israel, they were heavily employed in various roles within his kingdom. This information challenges previous assumptions about the dynamics of labor during Solomon’s rule.

Historical records indicate that Solomon utilized the workforce of the people of Israel in a diverse set of occupations, including warriors, bodyguards, overseers, commanders, recruits, and cavalrymen. This sheds light on the multifaceted contributions made by the non-enslaved Israelites to the kingdom’s infrastructure and defense.

One of Solomon’s most notable projects included the construction of the house of the Lord, his palace, as well as the walls of Jerusalem, Megiddo, and Gezer. These monumental structures were built through a labor force employed under a forced labor program. It is important to note that Gezer, originally captured and destroyed by invaders, was rebuilt by Solomon.

Moreover, Solomon constructed several towns, including Lower Beth-goron, Balath, and Tamar in the land of Balay. Additionally, he built warehouse towns, militia towns, and cavalry towns. Solomon’s ambition for expansion extended beyond the city of Jerusalem and reached into Lebanon and the entire land under his rule.

Interestingly, it was the non-Israelite peoples who remained in the land that were subjected to forced labor as slaves under Solomon’s reign. The Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Ebusites, who had not been completely eradicated by the people of Israel, were compelled to work for Solomon. These slaves continued to play a significant role in the labor force during Solomon’s time, and their servitude endured beyond his reign.

In overseeing his extensive projects, Solomon appointed five hundred and fifty overseers to manage the workforce and ensure the completion of his ambitious plans. Furthermore, it is worth noting that Pharaoh’s daughter, who was married to Solomon, resided in a palace built specifically for her. Solomon’s dedication to utmost grandeur extended to constructing a lower deck in addition to completing the temple.

Solomon’s empire also thrived in trade and maritime activities. Ships were built at the port of Etzion Geber near Eloth on the Red Sea’s shores in the land of Edom. Skilled sailors from Eram accompanied Solomon’s staff on these ships, which journeyed to Ophir. The expedition resulted in the acquisition of an astounding seventeen thousand kilograms of gold for King Solomon.

The revelations surrounding King Solomon’s reign showcase the intertwining of labor and power, while dispelling the myth that Israelites were enslaved during his time. By employing them for various crucial roles, including defense and governance, Solomon ensured the prosperity and stability of his kingdom.

This new perspective sheds light on the complex dynamics between rulers and their subjects, emphasizing that historical narratives can evolve as more information becomes available. As we uncover further details about ancient civilizations, we continue to reshape our understanding of history.
#Tagged #courage #rare #deeds #Solomon

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