Solórzano Foppa admits that he will lie when accepting charges

by time news

2023-06-02 21:22:00

Juan Francisco Solorzano Foppatoday, Friday June 2, on his Twitter account, he made a publication along with a video where he says the following:

Solórzano Foppa admits that he will accept the charges against him but does not recognize them as legitimateas expressed, which makes it unfeasible for the judge hearing his case -Orellana- to approve said acceptance and, on the contrary, must reject it since a defect is noticed in the consent of the accused as provided for in the Article 491 Quinquies of the Criminal Procedure Code.

There is talk of a vice in the consent, in the declaration of willin light of article 1257 of the Civil Code that prescribes the following regarding declarations of will:

ARTICLE 1257. The legal business can be voided when the declaration of intent emanates from

error, 538 of fraud, of simulation or of violence. The nullity cannot be requested or demanded by the party that caused the defect. (Highlighting is own)

By Solórzano Foppa’s own statements, what he intends to do before Judge Orellana -accept the charges- it will be a simulation, since he acknowledges that he does not consider the charges legitimate. He states that he does not believe in obtaining justice in the current system, as a motivation for said simulation.

It is not the first time that Solórzano Foppa admits simulation. It is precisely an admission of simulation, that of the purchase and sale of a work of art to justify the “lawful” origin of the 300,000 quetzales in the process against his former defendant, Jose Ruben Zamora Marroquinwhich now has him facing trial against the lawyer.

On that occasion, Solórzano Foppa admitted that that transaction -and its documentation- it was a simulation, but that this did not constitute – in his opinion – a crime. The Public Ministry considered the opposite.

Solorzano Foppa evidently he is unaware of the defects in the consent and how these can -most likely- make the judge rejects his acceptance of chargesOtherwise, this admission of simulation is incomprehensible.

The procedure for acceptance of positions was finally approved in 2019 after the cicig promote this regulation, but this means assuming, not only verbally accepting, that a crime was committed.

After withdrawal of the recusalthe file will return to the court where this procedural phase is processed and, then, it will have to be seen if judge orellanaafter the admission of simulation by Solórzano Foppa, admit or reject the alleged acceptance of charges.

#Solórzano #Foppa #admits #lie #accepting #charges

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