some don’t even know about it

by times news cr

The Ministry of Social Security and Labor (SADM) reminds that the state provides social support and social services to the country’s residents in different cases of life. All the latest information about this can be found in one place – on the information website

The information presented on the website is relevant for all people – those who are raising children, who have decided to adopt or foster, who have lost their job or are experiencing financial difficulties, who have fallen ill or are caring for a family member, who want to buy or rent their first home, who have reached old age or who have lost a loved one.

On the website, those raising children will find information about maternity, paternity, child care benefits and their amounts and payment procedures, a one-time payment upon the birth of a child, child money, free school meals and support for student supplies, and the Family Card. After deciding to adopt or foster a child, they will learn about the benefits they are entitled to, and foster children who have reached the age of majority – about a one-time settlement payment.

Families raising children will also learn what family-strengthening services are available. For example, family preparation and parenting skills development, psychosocial assistance, family mediation, children’s day social care and other services provided in all municipalities of the country. Any family in Lithuania has the right to receive basic package services.

Those who care for or look after a loved one will find information about sickness benefits and their amounts, and those who work, including self-employed persons, will find information about their social guarantees in the event of illness. Residents of the country will find out in which cases they are entitled to a benefit when caring for a sick family member, what benefits and compensations are due in the event of an occupational disease or an accident at work.

In addition, here you will find information about social services: for yourself or a loved one. You will learn that not only general social services can be provided, such as information, counseling, mediation and representation, but also, if necessary, special services, such as organized transport, assistance with food and clothing. If it is difficult to balance work and personal interests with the care of a loved one, it is possible to request more help – periodically provided social services at home or at a social service institution, as well as – temporary respite services. You will find information on where to get emotional psychological help.

By visiting the website, seniors will learn about all types of pensions and their amounts: old-age pension, early old-age pension, widow’s, single person’s, disability, state pensions, welfare pensions, premiums for recipients of the lowest pensions. Residents will find information about the compensation they are entitled to for housing heating, hot and drinking water, etc. And also here is information about social services provided to the elderly, whether they need to be paid for and how much, where to apply. To get help, you will find information about how the need for social services is determined.

People with disabilities will learn about the monetary benefits they are entitled to: disability pension, social insurance disability pension, targeted compensation for nursing or care (assistance) costs, compensation and benefits for adaptation of a car, housing or living environment, financial support for students with disabilities. Here is a summary of the general and special services that people with disabilities can receive in their homes, institutions, non-governmental organizations or the community.

Residents of the country who have lost their jobs will find out in which cases the long-term work benefit belongs, who is entitled to receive the unemployment social insurance benefit. You will also find information about state support for obtaining a new qualification, improving qualifications or acquiring new competences, you will learn about opportunities to establish a workplace for yourself.

You will also find out what free labor market services you can get from the Employment Service. Here you will find information about opportunities to learn or study, you will be able to make an easier decision about acquiring a profession or retraining, and you will also find information about employment support measures and the conditions for participation in them.

Residents of the country experiencing financial difficulties will find information about monetary social support, the amounts of social benefits, find out what criteria must be met in order to receive compensation for housing heating, hot and drinking water costs, when additional benefits are included in the child allowance, free meals for children, compensation for housing rent or state support for a young family intending to purchase their first home.

If you have lost a loved one, you will learn about funeral benefits, widows’ or orphans’ pensions, insurance benefits after the death of the insured person, support for repatriation of the remains of the deceased from abroad, and you will find answers to where to apply for these benefits.

Read about all this and more at

2024-08-29 09:45:30

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