Some questions to Comrade A. Vijayaraghavan – OPINION – LETTERS

by time news

Children of Kerala go abroad for higher education. The CPM leader asked what should be thought about leaving. Three questions to A. Vijayaraghavan
1. Lack of good academic standing and facilities Students used to go places for the first time. Ramrasham. If you submit your dissertation to someone for pay. Doctorate award, no errors found in it,​​ Guides and Syllabus without any job opportunity Are the universities in Mulla Nath the best? Doctorate from recognized foreign universities You can talk to someone who has achieved it. Experienced hardships.
2. Father and mother are happy to send their son to Canada. The next suggestion was to listen to the respect. Children. Matapi when going abroad without performing therapara in the country Aren’t you proud?
3. Students studying abroad have breakfast in the canteen. I had to wash all the copper off and go to college. The next recommendation is to work part-time with studies. This is how students abroad find money for their expenses. Fixed hourly wages for part-time workers nk account. Find part-time jobs here. Has the government been able to stop Shanam?
Temporarily rule over fans everywhere Isn’t this a party sponsor trade fair? Vum Pakallum P.S.C Exam Studyers Are Fools Job for those who come with letter from party secretary .Examination for the remaining quarter terms. About 15 lakh candidates write the exam. After the list came, two people were left to go to work. Sham. Every employee has to go home for two years. What is coming. You have experienced all this. The leader says that Vitham should just leave.
If foreign work and study is a crime, own party Why do your children fly abroad? Explain t.



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